
Pontus Johansson


The Design Unit
Visiting address
Kristinelundsgatan 6-8
41137 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 131
40530 Göteborg

About Pontus Johansson

Pontus Johansson has worked at HDK-Valand since 2015. Pontus has a particular interest in the project-based courses that take place in collaboration with other actors in society. Projects which are context-based and take place in the public. Pontus likes to work hands on and together and think it is important to be involved in projects both mentally and physically.

He is passionate about letting those with a low voice be heard and believes that the result of participatory work is not above all something physical, but can become visible and take all possible forms tomorrow, next year or in 20 years. Other interests are materials, craftsmanship, sustainability and humans relationship with- and usage of nature. He often starts from the tiny things, a detail, the overlooked, and from that the projects are allowed to unfold and grow. Pontus works with the conviction that everything becomes interesting if you give it enough time.