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- Maureen Mckelvey
Maureen Mckelvey
Avdelningen för innovation och entreprenörskapOm Maureen Mckelvey
Professor McKelvey’s research addresses innovation and entrepreneurship. An underlying theoretical proposition from an evolutionary and Schumpeterian paradigm is that innovation and entrepreneurship are closely related to processes of creating, accessing, and diffusing knowledge and opportunities. McKelvey's research focuses on the development and use of knowledge at the interplay between innovation management and entrepreneurship with science and engineering. She has publishes in journals such as Small Business Economics, Research Policy and Applied Economics as well as books with Routledge, Oxford, Cambridge, and Edward Elgar. Professor McKelvey has had high level positions in expert groups and written reports, for Swedish organizations as well as for the OECD and EU. Her research and results will greatly impact the transformation of society through knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship by opening up new scientific breakthroughs; building upon extreme methodologies recently developing in social science research; and pioneering new approaches into the unknown. She leads the Swedish Research Distiguished Professor Program on Knowledge-intensive Innovation Ecosystems.
Scientific leadership As an independent principle investigator since 1995, McKelvey contributes with internationally recognized contributions within the field. Her first book Evolutionary Innovations: The Business of Biotechnology was based upon her PhD dissertation and was awarded the prestigious Schumpeter Prize. Two decades ago, her research produced pioneering explanations of radical business innovations based on science. Her later work explained how universities are a central source of new knowledge within innovation systems, and in the 2009 EU Business Panel for Future Innovation Policy, she set forth grand societal challenges and inclusive engagement as the public policy vision. In recent years, international collaborators and McKelvey explicated the distinct theoretical and empirical characteristics of “knowledge intensive entrepreneurs”. She is recognized as one of the international leaders in her field, also seen in numerous plenary speeches. McKelvey’s full publication list includes more than 80 peer-reviewed scientific articles, including in the top journals in her field as well as in top journals of related disciplinary fields. Her research career is rooted in Innovation Studies and Evolutionary Economics, but there are links to scholars in Economics, Management & Business Studies, Economic Geography, Entrepreneurship, and Science & Technology Studies. Earlier in her career, the field’s publishing tradition consisted mainly of books, the occasional journal article, government reports and public policy projects including direct interaction with policy-makers. Following this tradition, she has 16 books (including some in two languages) written more than 75 book chapters published in academic books by the most respected international publishers.
Scientific mentoring McKelvey’s philosophy and strategy for mentoring young talents is to promote scientific curiosity. She strongly urges young scholars that scientific curiosity is driven by four questions - the “what’s right” and “what’s wrong” with theoretical understanding; the “what if” of unexpected empirics; and the “what’s new” of the results. Her PhD students have all had successful careers in academia, business and government. Three former PhD students have become Professors, two in Sweden and one in Germany. One is Senior Lecturer and two are currently Assistant Professors on a tenure track position at the University of Gothenburg. One former PhD student has a top post in Swedish Government Offices and another is Business Development Manager, Region Skåne. Her post-doctoral scholars currently have academic positions in China, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Turkey, and the UK. These scholars are successful in pushing forward the boundaries of the field. She has designed and implemented three successful two year MSc Programs taught in English (one at Chalmers; two at the University of Gothenburg), which together graduate more than 100 students annually. This track record testifies to McKelvey’s ability to promote and foster young talents.
Leadership in the field McKelvey was Professor at Chalmers University of Technology (6 years) before being recruited to the University of Gothenburg, where she is now Professor of Industrial Management. She is currently head of Unit of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, at the Department of Economy and Society. She has on the last decade led the design, creation and implementation of the Unit of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (previously Institute), by building a integrated research-teaching environment together with colleagues.
She is Director of the University of Gothenburg centre on knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems (U-GOT KIES centre). https://www.gu.se/en/school-business-economics-law/economy-society/our-research/research-in-innovation-and-entrepreneurship/got-kies-gothenburg-network-for-knowledge-intensive-innovative-ecosystems
The U-GOT KIES centre draws together a multi-disciplinary group of scholars, across the globe, and orgainzes activities.
The Unit for Innovation and Entrepreneurship now has more than 20 researchers and PhD students. McKelvey founded on the principle of integrating research with teaching and societal impact, within the subjects of innovation and entrepreneurship. These phenomena engage different actors involved in the generation, diffusion and exploitation of ideas into business and societal innovations, including change of both existing firms as well as renewal of society through new firms and industries. The Institute currently teaches 170 Masters students, who are enrolled in the highly successful MSc programs “Innovation and Industrial Management” and “Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship”.
Local leadership for the university McKelvey has taken on demanding academic leadership jobs. At Chalmers, she was Director of a VINNOVA Center of Excellence for four years. At the School of Business, Economics and Law she was Vice-Dean for three years and also the Director for Graduate School for six years, with responsible for over 400 Masters students in all business school subjects.
På andra webbplatser
- Innovation management, Entrepreneurship, University-Industry interactions,
- Innovation and Industrial Management Entrepreneurship
Utvalda publikationer
Broström, A.; Buenstorf, G., and McKelvey, M. (2021). “The knowledge economy, innovation and new challenges to universities: Introduction to special issue”. Innovation: Organization and Management. 23(2): pp. 145-162.
McKelvey, M.; Berg, K.; Bourelos, E.; Brunnström; L.; Gifford, E.; Hemberg, D.; Hermansson, I.; Lindmark, S.; Ljungberg, D.; Saemundsson, R.; Zaring, O. (2021). Forskningssamverkan och kommersialisering: Samhällets långsiktiga försörjning av ingenjörsvetenskaplig kunskap. Stockholm: Makadam förlag.
McKelvey, M. and Jin, J. (2020). Innovative Capabilities and the Globalization of Chinese Firms: Becoming a Leader in Knowledge-intensive Innovative Ecosystems. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishers.
Gifford, E.; McKelvey, M.; Saemundsson, R., (2020). ”The evolution of knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems: Co-evolving entrepreneurial activity and innovation policy in the West Swedish maritime system”. Industry and Innovation. 28(5), pp. 651-675.
Malerba, F. and McKelvey, M. (2020). “Knowledge-intensive innovative entrepreneurship integrating Schumpeter, evolutionary economics and innovation systems” Small Business Economics. 54, pp. 503-522.
Academic engagement and commercialisation: A review of the literature on university-industry relationsPerkmann, M., Tartari, V., McKelvey, Maureen, Autio, E., Brostrom, A., D'Este, P., Fini, R., Geuna, A., Grimaldi, R., Hughes, A., Krabel, S., Kitson, M., Llerena, P., Lissoni, F., Salter, A., Sobrero, M.Research Policy, 42:2, s. 423-442, 2013
From Tradition to Technology through Entrepreneurship: Innovation in Low-Tech Industries Through Experimentation and Knowledge
Madeleine Englund, Maureen McKelvey
R&D Management Conference 2024 - 2024 -
Researching together in academic engagement in engineering: a study of dual affiliated graduate students in
Karin Berg, Maureen McKelvey
Designing university impact on society: Reflections based on the Sea & Society and Gothenburg U-GOT KIES
Linus Brunnström, Lena Gipperth, Maureen McKelvey
Bruncevic, M., Fellman, S. Soderbom, M. and Styhre, A. (Eds) Sustainable World: 100 year Jubileum of School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg. - 2024 -
Doing science together: Gaining momentum from long-term explorative university-industry research
B. Rake, K. Sengupta, L. Lewin, A. Sandstrom, Maureen McKelvey
Drug Discovery Today - 2023 -
Exploring How the University Ecosystem Can Mobilise Resources for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurial Firms in
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship - 2023 -
Exploring how the University can Promote Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship - technology transfer for knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms in
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Forskningskonferens om social innovation i välfärd, hälsa och arbetsliv, Malmö, Sweden - 2023 -
Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship, Education and Varieties of Knowledge in
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2023, Dublin, Ireland - 2023 -
Ready to innovate during a crisis? Innovation governance during the first wave of COVID-19 infections in
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson
Innovation-Organization & Management - 2023 -
The case of sleeping beauties in nanotechnology: a study of potential breakthrough inventions in emerging
Elena M. Tur, Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey
Annals of Regional Science - 2022 -
Navigating multiple logics: Legitimacy and the quest for societal impact in
O. Llopis, P. D'Este, Maureen McKelvey, A. Yegros
Technovation - 2022 -
The evolution of niche: variety in knowledge networks in the global music
Mark Bagley, Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey
Industry and Innovation - 2022 -
Innovating in knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms: exploring the effects of a variety of internal and external knowledge sources on goods and service
Ethan Gifford, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Industrial and Corporate Change - 2022 -
The co-evolution of knowledge and innovation systems in the dynamics of knowledge-intensive innovative entrepreneurship: A case
Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey
AGeSCO Conference, 15th annual, Nice, France, June 2022 - 2022 -
The evolution of knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems: co-evolving entrepreneurial activity and innovation policy in the West Swedish maritime
Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson
Innovation Policies and Practices within Innovation Ecosystems, Edited By Catherine Beaudry, Thierry Burger-Helmchen, Patrick Cohendet - 2022 -
Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs, Maureen McKelvey
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business - 2021 -
Academic engagement: A review of the literature
M Perkmann, R Salandra, V Tartari, Maureen McKelvey, A Hughes
Research Policy - 2021 -
Developing innovation governance readiness in regenerative medicine: lessons learned from the Macchiarini
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson
Regenerative Medicine - 2021 -
Exploring network dynamics in science: the formation of ties to knowledge translators in clinical
B Rake, P D'Este, Maureen McKelvey
Journal of evolutionary economics - 2021 -
The knowledge economy, innovation and new challenges to universities: introduction to the special
Anders Broström, Guido Buenstorf, Maureen McKelvey
Innovation: Organization and Management - 2021 -
Variety in founder experience and the performance of knowledge-intensive innovative
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Journal of evolutionary economics - 2021 -
The Grey Zones of Technological Innovation: Negative Unintended Consequences as a Counterbalance to
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson
Industry and Innovation - 2021 -
Organising an early phase of academic engagement: a case study of interactions between engineering and equestrian
Ida Hermansson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Innovation: Organization & Management - 2021 -
The evolution of knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems: co-evolving entrepreneurial activity and innovation policy in the West Swedish maritime
Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson
Industry and Innovation - 2021 -
Forskningssamverkan och
Maureen McKelvey, Karin Berg, Evangelos Bourelos, Linus Brunnström, Ethan Gifford, Daniel hemberg, Ida Hermansson, Sven Lindmark, Daniel Ljungberg, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Viktor Ström, Olof Zaring
2021 -
Strategic choices in the design of entrepreneurship education: an explorative study of Swedish higher education
Olof Zaring, Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey
Studies in Higher Education - 2021 -
Managing the Process of Turning Researchers into Knowledge-Intensive
Linus Brunnström, Maureen McKelvey
Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings - 2021 -
Artistic education as a source of innovation and knowledge-intensive
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) 2021 - Virtual Community Conversation vol.II - 2021 -
Artistic Education as a Potential Source of Knowledge-Intensive Innovative
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
22nd CINet Conference - Organising innovation for a sustainable future, 13-15 September 2021 - 2021 -
Investigating the scientific contributions of academic engagement with industry:�A study of the quality and impact of publications by engineering professors in electrical engineering in Sweden, 2000 to
Viktor Ström, Maureen McKelvey, Ethan Gifford
Doctoral Education and the Private Sector: European Perspectives - 2021 -
Investigating the scientific contributions of academic engagement with industry�A study of the quality and impact of publications by engineering professors in electrical engineering in Sweden, 2000 to
Viktor Ström, Maureen McKelvey, Ethan Gifford
P4IE Conference - 2021 -
Bridging the Gap: Boundary Spanners’ Selective Network Mobilization across the Industry-Academia
Valentina Tartari, Anne ter Wal, Maureen McKelvey
Open Innovation in Science conference 2021 - 2021 -
Exploring the Role(s) of Researcher-Based Projects in Swedish University
Linus Brunnström, Guido Buenstorf, Maureen McKelvey
Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings - 2020 -
Conceptualizing evolutionary governance routines: governance at the interface of science and technology with knowledge-intensive innovative
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
Journal of Evolutionary Economics - 2020 -
Innovative Capabilities and Globalization of Chinese Firms: Becoming a Leader in Knowledge-intensive Innovative
Maureen McKelvey, Jun Jin
2020 -
Knowledge-intensive Innovative Entrepreneurship integrating Schumpeter, evolutionary economics and innovation
Franco Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
Small Business Economics - 2020 -
Exploring scientific publications by firms: what are the roles of academic and corporate partners for publications in high reputation or high impact
Maureen McKelvey, B. Rake
Scientometrics - 2020 -
Promoting Future Sustainable Transition by Overcoming the Openness Paradox in KIE
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Sustainability - 2020 -
Moving between creativity and business: fashion design alumni and potential pathways for (not) becoming knowledge-intensive
Erik Gustafsson, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
18th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER) - 2020 -
Graduate Students as Boundary Spanners: How Academic Engagement can influence Firm
Karin Berg, Maureen McKelvey
Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings. Volym 2020:1 - 2020 -
Role of local governments in fostering the development of an emerging industry: A market-oriented policy
J. Jin, Maureen McKelvey, Y. Dong
Frontiers of Engineering Management - 2020 -
Introduction to Innovative Capabilities and the Globalization of Chinese
Maureen McKelvey, Jun Jin
Jin, J. and McKelvey, M. Innovative Capabilities and Globalization of Chinese Firms: Becoming a Leader in Innovation Spaces - 2020 -
Ideal Types of Reverse Innovation for Firms without Overseas R&D Centers: Case Studies of Chinese
Jun Jin, Min Guo, Maureen McKelvey, Zhengyi Zhang
Jin, J. and McKelvey, M. Innovative Capabilities and Globalization of Chinese Firms: Becoming a Leader in Knowledge-intensive Innovative Ecosystems - 2020 -
CEVT of Geely: CEVT as a broker and a global facilitator between Geely and Volvo
Jun Jin, Maureen McKelvey
Jin, J. and McKelvey, M. Innovative Capabilities and Globalization of Chinese Firms: Becoming a Leader in Knowledge-intensive Innovative Ecosystems - 2020 -
Jun Jin, Maureen McKelvey
Jin, J. and McKelvey, M. Innovative Capabilities and Globalization of Chinese Firms: Becoming a Leader in Knowledge-intensive Innovative Ecosystems - 2020 -
Knowledge, entrepreneurship and regional transformation: contributing to the Schumpeterian and evolutionary perspective on the relationships between
Martin Henning, Maureen McKelvey
Small Business Economics - 2020 -
Exploring the roles of researcher-based projects in Swedish university
Linus Brunnström, Guido Buenstorf, Maureen McKelvey
Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings - 2020 -
Negative Unintended Consequences as a Counterbalance to Innovation:
The Macchiarini case as innovation governance at the interface between scientific research and clinical
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson
GEOINNO2020 Conference Proceedings, 5th Annual Geography of Innovation Conference 29-31 Jan 2020 Stavanger - 2020 -
Organizational Routines and the Growth of Knowledge in Engineering:
Evolving modes of academic engagement in biomedical engineering at Chalmers University of Technology
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson
GEOINNO2020 Conference Proceedings, 5th Annual Geography of Innovation Conference 29-31 Jan 2020 Stavanger - 2020 -
Exploring industrial PhD students and perceptions of their impact on firm
Karin Berg, Maureen McKelvey
Bernhard, I. Gråsjö, U. & Karlsson, C. Diversity, Innovation and Clusters. Spatial Perspectives - 2020 -
Becoming Leaders: How the Chinese knowledge-intensive ecosystem can affect firm
Maureen McKelvey, Jun Jin
Jin, J. and McKelvey, M. Innovative Capabilities and Globalization of Chinese Firms: Becoming a Leader in Knowledge-intensive Innovative Ecosystems - 2020 -
Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and S3: Conceptualizing Strategies for
Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey
Sustainability - 2019 -
Protecting Scientists from Gordon Gekko: How organizations use hybrid spaces to engage with multiple institutional
Markus Perkmann, Maureen McKelvey, Nelson Phillips
Organization science - 2019 -
Academic engagement seen through university-industry co-authorship:
Who are these industry
Karin Berg, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Viktor Ström
WOMI 2019, Pisa, Italy - 2019 -
Co-Evolution of Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurial Firms and Science Parks in an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Capabilities supporting BioBay at Suzhou Industry Park,
Jun Jin, Maureen McKelvey, Zhengyi Zhang, Qi Wang, Min Guo
Zheijang University Seminar series - 2019 -
Knowledge-intensive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Public and Private Knowledge
Maureen McKelvey
22nd Uddevalla Symposium 2019 Conference, L'Aquila Italy, June 27-29 - 2019 -
Creating, Maintaining and Dismantling a Hybrid Space for Sustainability Research: Exploring the practices of academic engagement in a university-industry
Rani Dang, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
DRUID 2019 Conference Proceedings - 2019 -
How Academic Engagement Through Graduate Students Can Affect Firms’ Search Capabilities for Innovation: A Micro-level Analysis of Firm Employed PhD Students in
Karin Berg, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID 2019 Conference proceedings - 2019 -
Knowledge-Intensive Innovative
F. Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship - 2019 -
Fostering the development of emerging industry: the role of local government on the development of new energy vehicles in
Jun Jin, Maureen McKelvey
Workshop on knowledge-intensive innovative ecosystems, Zheijang University - 2019 -
The relationship between openness, appropriability mechanisms and innovation performance in KIE
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
20th International CINet Conference - 2019 -
Strategic choices in the design of entrepreneurship education: an explorative study of Swedish higher education
Olof Zaring, Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey
Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings - 2019 -
Knowledge-Intensive Entrepreneurship and S3: Conceptualizing Strategies for
Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey
22nd Uddevalla Symposium 2019 Conference, L'Aquila Italy, June 27-29 - 2019 -
Building a sectoral innovation system for new energy vehicles in Hangzhou, China: Insights from evolutionary economics and strategic niche
J. Jin, Maureen McKelvey
Journal of Cleaner Production - 2019 -
Relating Business Model Innovations and Innovation Cascades: The Case of
Jorge Niosi, Maureen McKelvey
Journal of evolutionary economics - 2018 -
A Recent Crisis in Regenerative Medicine: Analyzing Governance in Order to Identify Public Policy
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
Science and Public Policy - 2018 -
An evolutionary model of innovation policy: Conceptualizing the growth of knowledge in innovation policy as an evolution of policy
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson
Industrial and Corporate Change - 2018 -
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing and Creative Industries: Same, Same, but
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
Creativity and Innovation Management - 2018 -
Knowledge-intensive innovative ecosystems in Sweden: Design principles for promoting innovation and entrepreneurship
Maureen McKelvey
Andersson, M. and Eklund, E. (eds). Navigera under osäkerhet: Entreprenörskap, innovationer och experimentell policy. - 2018 -
Co-delivery of social innovations: exploring the university’s role in academic engagement with
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Industry and Innovation - 2018 -
The evolution and embeddedness of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms in creative industries: contrasting experienced and non-experienced entrepreneurs in the Swedish fashion
I. Hermanson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
European Planning Studies - 2018 -
Digital disruptors: On the potentials and characteristics of digital knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
ISPIM Stockholm 2018 conference - 2018 -
In governance we trust. Experimentation at the interface between medical research and clinical
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
TRIPLE HELX 2018, Manchester, September 5-8 - 2018 -
Evolution of university-industry collaboration at Chalmers University of
Sven Lindmark, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
University-Industry Interaction Conference - 2018 -
The role of founder knowledge in the survival and growth of knowledge intensive new
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Baldy Conference on Universities and Development. 7-8 April 2018. University at Buffalo. - 2018 -
The role of founder knowledge in the survival and growth of knowledge intensive new
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
17th International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference: "Innovation, Catch-up, and Sustainable Development - 2018 -
The role of founder knowledge in the survival and growth of knowledge intensive new
Ethan Gifford, Guido Buenstorf, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
The 30th Annual European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy conference 2018: Evolutionary foundations at a crossroad; Assessments, outcomes and implications for policy makers - 2018 -
Exploring scientific publications by firms: Should firms have academic or corporate partners in order to
Maureen McKelvey, B Rake
Bocconi conference in memory of Luigi Orsenigo, 5-7 December 2018, Milano, Italy - 2018 -
Knowledge-intensive ecosystems for Swedish innovation & entreprenuership
Maureen McKelvey
Conference for the Swedish Economic Forum Report 2018 on Experimental Policy, 22 November, 2018 - 2018 -
F Malerba, Maureen McKelvey, J Berggren, Ida Hermansson
Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum workshop on "From startup to scale-up: Entreprenuership, human capital and scaling up new businesses", Stockholm, 29-30 October 2018 - 2018 -
Knowledge-Intensive Innovative
F Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
5-7 June, 2018, Campinas, Brazil - 2018 -
Mobilising legitimacy through network ties: The relation between network content and
P D'Este, O Llopis, Maureen McKelvey, A Yegros
EURAM Conference, European Academy of Management, 2018 Conference, 19-22 June, 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland - 2018 -
Sleeping beauties in
Elena Mas Tur, Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey
The Technology Transfer Society (T2S) Annual Conference, 17-19 October 2018, Valencia, Spain - 2018 -
Exploring Investigator Networks in Clinical
B Rake, P D'Este, Maureen McKelvey
The ISS 2018 Conference, The International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference, 2-4 July 2018, Seoul, Korea - 2018 -
Sleeping Beauties in
Elena Mas Tur, Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey
The ISS 2018 Conference, The International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society Conference, 2-4 July 2018, Seoul, Korea - 2018 -
Sleeping Beauties in
Elena M. Tur, Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey
Geoinnov2018, The 4th Geography of Innovation Conference, Jan 31- Feb 2, 2018, Barcelona - 2018 -
Institutional approaches to academic entrepreneurship and university technology
X Shen, W Sine, X Yin, S Shane, D Armanios, C Eesley, Y Suk Lee, Maureen McKelvey, M Perkmann, N Phelps, M Roach
Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings - 2018 -
An evolutionary model of innovation policy: Conceputalizing the growth of knowledge in innovation policy as an evolution of policy
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson
The DRUID 2018 Conference, Copenhagen, June 11-13 2018 - 2018 -
Bringing together engineering and equestrian sports: Exploring how a university initiates academic engagement with
Ida Hermansson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
The DRUID 2018 Conference, Copenhagen, June 11-13 2018 - 2018 -
Knowledge-Intensive Innovative Entrepreneurship: Why and how these firms are dependent upon the dynamics of their
Maureen McKelvey
Keynote Speaker at the 2018 Triple Helix conference - 2018 -
Sleeping beauties in nanotechnology:
Delayed recognition of breakthrough
Elena Mas Tur, Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey
Universities, Innovation, and Development Conference. 7-9 april 2018 , State University of New York at Buffalo. - 2018 -
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship and Future Research
Franco Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
Innovation Management, Policy and Systems. Niosi, Jorge (red.) - 2018 -
Knowledge, Meaning and Identify: Key Characteristics of Entrepreneurship in Cultural and Creative
Maureen McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Creativity and Innovation Management - 2018 -
Engaging Experts: Science-policy interactions and the introduction of congestion charging in
Anders Broström, Maureen McKelvey
Minerva - 2018 -
How public policy can stimulate the capabilities of firms to innovate in a traditional industry through academic engagement: The case of the Swedish food
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
R &D Management - 2017 -
Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries as compared to High-tech and Low-tech
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
Workshop on "Co-evolution of Entrepreneurship and Artistic Innovation", 30 March 2017, Gothenburg - 2017 -
Entrepreneurship in creative industries as compared to high-tech and low-tech
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference, Vienna, Austria, 18-21 June 2017 - 2017 -
Search and Innovation in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurial Firms: Exploring the relationship between external knowledge sources and goods and services
Ethan Gifford, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Presentation at conference "Knowledge and Universities: Impact on science, industry and policy", IIE, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-13 September 2017 - 2017 -
Collaborative engineering projects and sustainability: Analysing open innovation practices for societal impact in the context of advanced engineering in university industry
Rani J. Dang, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
20th Uddevalla Symposium 2017, Trollhättan, Sweden, 15-17 June 2017 - 2017 -
Exploring what roles the university can play in organizing interactions between researchers-users-business in order to use engineering knowledge to improve
Ida Hermansson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Third Nordic STS (Science, Technology, Society) Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 31 May - 2 June 2017 - 2017 -
In governance we trust. Governance processes as selection mechanisms in medical research and
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
Workshop on Medical Innovation, Reykjavik, December 13-15 - 2017 -
Governance of medical research and innovation - Lessons from a recent crisis in regenerative
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
Third Nordic STS (Science, Technology, Society) Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 31 May - 2 June 2017 - 2017 -
An evolutionary model of science policy: Routines and the growth of knowledge in policy-making
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson
International Journal of Economics and Business Research - 2017 -
Unlocking the importance of alliance partners for the quality and impact of company
Bastian Rake, Maureen McKelvey
Presentation at conference "Knowledge and Universities: Impact on science, industry and policy", IIE, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-13 September 2017 - 2017 -
Is the prominent scientist the one who becomes an inventor? A matching of Swedish academic pairs in nanoscience to examine the effect of publishing on
Evangelos Bourelos, Berna Beyhan, Maureen McKelvey
Research Evaluation - 2017 -
Firms navigating through innovation
Maureen McKelvey
Pyka, A. and Cantner, W. Foundations of Economic Change: A Schumpeterian View on Behaviour, Interaction and Aggregate Outcomes - 2017 -
Exploring what roles the university can play in organizing interactions between researchers-users-business in order to use engineering knowledge to improve
Ida Hermansson, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Presentation at conference "Knowledge and Universities: Impact on science, industry and policy", IIE, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-13 September 2017 - 2017 -
Reaching scientific and innovation outcomes with beneficiaries and relational network
Oscar Llopis-Corcoles, Pablo D'Este, Maureen McKelvey, Alfredo Yegros
Presentation at conference "Knowledge and Universities: Impact on science, industry and policy", IIE, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-13 September 2017 - 2017 -
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Going beyond the Schumpeterian
Franco Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
Innovation Systems, Strategies and Policy: International Symposium on Entrepreneurship and the Geography of Innovation, Brazil, July 6-7, 2017 - 2017 -
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Going Beyond the Schumpeterian
Franco Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
The 15th Globelics Conference, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October, 2017 - 2017 -
Universities and their Involvement in Industrial Innovation as seen through Academic
Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
The 15th Globelics Conference, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October, 2017 - 2017 -
How Overseas R&D Center to Maximize the Benefits after Cross-Border M&A: Case of CEVT in Geely
Jun Jin, Maureen McKelvey
The 15th Globelics Conference, Athens, Greece, 11-13 October, 2017 - 2017 -
How do networks affect knowledge generation for drug development? A study of investigator networks, knowledge domains and knowledge
Bastian Rake, Maureen McKelvey, Pablo D'Este
The 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA, August 4-8, 2017 - 2017 -
Innovation from Science: The role of network content and legitimacy
Oscar Llopis-Corcoles, Pablo D'Este, Maureen McKelvey, Alfredo Yegros
DRUID17, NYU Stern School of Business, New York, USA, 12-14 June 2017 - 2017 -
Knowledge management processes and the formation of entrepreneurial
Rani J. Dang, Maureen McKelvey
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management - 2016 -
Evolutionary Approaches to Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Sidney G Winter, recipient of the 2015 global award for entrepreneurship
Ammon Salter, Maureen McKelvey
Small Business Economics - 2016 -
Evaluating the performance of higher institutions in Europe. A nonparametric efficiency analysis of 944
Ann Veiderpass, Maureen McKelvey
Applied Economics - 2016 -
Akademiska patent: om svenska forskares
Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Hur ett Schumpeterianskt perspektiv kan leda till bättre
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Social innovation och socialt entreprenörskap: en fallstudie i hur universitet och studenter kan göra skillnad för
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Opportunities and Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship:A meta-analysis of 86 case
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Dynamics of knowledge intensive entrepreneurship business strategy & public policy edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosevic. - 2016 -
Structuring the Process of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence and Descriptive Insights from 86 AEGIS Case
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
Dynamics of knowledge intensive entrepreneurship business strategy & public policy edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosevic. - 2016 -
Tillståndet för utbildningar i entreprenörskap vid Sveriges lärosäten: en
Olof Zaring, Ethan Gifford, Maureen McKelvey
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship: A new research
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
Book of abstracts of the 6th CIM Community Workshop - 2016 -
Ideal Types of Reverse Innovation for Enterprises from Developing Countries without Overseas R&D Centers: Cases of Chinese
Jun Jin, Min Guo, Maureen McKelvey, Zhengyi Zhang
Globelics 2016 Conference - 2016 -
Role of business model innovation and public-private partnerships in the development of new energy vehicles: Experiences from Hangzhou,
Jun Jin, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID 2016 conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 13-15 June 2016 - 2016 -
Typical Modes of Reverse Innovation in Enterprises from Emerging Countries: Cases of Chinese
Jun Jin, Min Guo, Maureen McKelvey
Conference "Creating Leading Edge Technical Competencies in Chinese Companies - Innovation and Globalization - 2016 -
Creating Leading Edge Technical Competencies in Chinese Companies - Innovation and
Jun Jin, Maureen McKelvey
Conference in Gothenburg, 27-29 April 2016 - 2016 -
Dynamics of knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship : business strategy & public policy edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo
Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosevic
2016 -
Network Heterogeneity, Scientific Performance and Medical
Pablo D'Este, Oscar Llopis, I Ramos-Vielba, A Yegros, Maureen McKelvey
R&D Management Conference 2016. Cambridge 3 - 6 July 2016. From Science to Society: Innovation and Value Creation. - 2016 -
Introduction to the Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive
Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosovevic
Dynamics of knowledge intensive entrepreneurship business strategy & public policy edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosevic. - 2016 -
New biotechnology analyzed through innovation cascades and business innovation
Jorge Niosi, Maureen McKelvey
Workshop organized by the University of Montreal, Canada, June 2016 - 2016 -
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship and Future Research
Franco Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
International Joseph Schumpeter Society Conference, June 2016, Montreal - 2016 -
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship - Beyond the Schumpeterian
Franco Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
Plenary at EAEPE 2016, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Manchester, 3-5 November 2015 - 2016 -
Rethinking how universities and firms interact at the interface of science, education and firm
Maureen McKelvey
Strategic Management Society Padua Extension Workshop on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Invention Networks, 8-9 June 2016 - 2016 -
How Networks and Sectoral Conditions Affect Commercialization in a Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurial Venture in the Medical Technology Industry: A case study of
Jens Laage-Hellman, Maureen McKelvey
Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship : Business Strategy and Public Policy/Edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radoševic - 2016 -
Public Policy Implications of Knowledge Intensive
Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavor Radosevic, Patrick Llerena
Malerba, F.; Caloghirou, Y.; McKelvey, M. and Radosevic, S. (2015). The Dynamics of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Business strategy and public policy - 2016 -
Conceptualizing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Definition and
Franco Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
Dynamics of knowledge intensive entrepreneurship business strategy & public policy edited by Franco Malerba, Yannis Caloghirou, Maureen McKelvey, Slavo Radosevic. - 2016 -
Governance of medical research and innovation - Lessons from a recent crisis in regenerative
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
Presented at the 16th ISS Conference. July 6-8th 2016, Montreal, Canada - 2016 -
How do personal networks affect successful drug development? An analysis of scientists networks in clinical
Anne Assmus, Pablo D'Este, Maureen McKelvey, Bastian Rake
16th International Schumpeter Conference, Montreal, Canada, 5th-8th July 2016 - 2016 -
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship - Beyond the Schumpeterian
Franco Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit), SPRU 50th Anniversary Conference, University of Sussex, UK - 2016 -
Network heterogeneity, scientific performance and medical
pablo D'Este, Oscar Llopis, Irene Ramos-Vielba, Alfredo Yegros, Maureen McKelvey
SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit) SPRU 50th Anniversary Conference, University of Sussex, UK - 2016 -
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship - Beyond the Schumpeterian
Franco Malerba, Maureen McKelvey
International Joseph A Schumpeter Society Conference, Montreal, Canada, 6-8th July 2016 - 2016 -
Knowledge transfer at the science-policy interface: How cognitive distance and the degree of autonomy shapes the
Anders Broström, Maureen McKelvey
2016 -
Reaching scientific and innovation outcomes in biomedicine: The role of network diversity, content and
Pablo D'Este, Oscar Llopis, Irene Ramos-Viebla, Alfredo Yegros, Maureen McKelvey
Workshop on Medical Innovation (WOMI) 2016, SPRU, University of Sussex, UK - 2016 -
Forskningen om innovation och entreprenörskap ur ett kunskapsperspektiv: inspirerat av Schumpeter och evolutionär
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik / redaktörer: Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring - 2016 -
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem: företag, akademi,
Recent Crisis of Regenerative Medicine in Sweden. Personal tragedy, governance failure, or business as
Maureen McKelvey, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Olof Zaring
Presented at the 2016 Eu-SPRI Conference, Lund, Sweden, June 7-10 2016 - 2016 -
Firms navigating through innovation spaces: A conceptualization of how firms search and perceive technological, market and productive opportunities
Maureen McKelvey
Journal of evolutionary economics - 2016 -
Product Innovation Success Based on Cancer Research in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Co-publication networks and the effects of
Maureen McKelvey, Bastian Rake
Industry and Innovation - 2016 -
Collaboration between universities in
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Mergers and Alliances in Higher Education: International Practice and Emerging Opportunities - 2015 -
Governance of Regional Innovation Systems: An Evolutionary Conceptual Model of How Firms
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
Academy of Management proceedings, Vancouver, Canada - 2015 -
Creating innovative opportunities through research collaboration: An evolutionary framework and empirical illustration in
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Daniel Ljungberg
Technovation - 2015 -
Tapping into Western Technologies by Chinese Multinational Enterprises: Geely purchase of Volvo Cars and Huawei hiring of Ericsson employees in
Ethan Gifford, Marcus J Holgersson, Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
Innovation spaces in Asia entrepreneurs, multinational enterprises and policy edited by Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen - 2015 -
To what extent do external sources of knowledge affect the innovative performance of knowledge intensive entrepreneurial firms? The effects of depth and breadth of openness on manufacturing and service
Ethan Gifford, Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID Society conference 2015, Rome, June 15-17 - 2015 -
Innovation Cascades and the Emergence of the
Maureen McKelvey, Jorge Niosi
Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), 2015 Portland International Conference on - 2015 -
Benefiting from Institutional Complexity: How Organizations Engage with Minority
Markus Perkmann, Maureen McKelvey, Philip Nelson
Academy of Management proceedings, Vancouver, Canada - 2015 -
The influence of collaboration on firm publications: Evidence from pharmaceutical cancer
Maureen McKelvey, Bastian Rake
Academy of Management proceedings, Vancouver, Canada. Canada, 7-11 August 2015. - 2015 -
Innovation 2015: Have we forgotten what Schumpeter
Maureen McKelvey
CiNet proceedings, Annual conference - 2015 -
Governance of Regional Innovation Systems: An Evolutionary Conceptual Model of How Firms
Maureen McKelvey, Olof Zaring, Stefan Szücs
DRUID15, Rome, June 15-17, 2015 - 2015 -
Universities and Public Research Institutes as Collaboration Partners for
Anders Broström, Maureen McKelvey
Karlsson, C. (2015). Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy: Knowledge, Technology and Internationalization. [edited by] Charlie Karlsson, Urban Grasjo, Sofia Wixe. - 2015 -
How regions and networks affect knowledge intensive
Ida Hermansson, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID Academy 2015, January 21-23, Rebild, Aalborg, Denmark - 2015 -
The Emergence of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship in China: Four Start-up Companies in Nanotechnology in
Jun Jin, Zhengyi Zhang, Maureen McKelvey
Innovation spaces in Asia entrepreneurs, multinational enterprises and policy edited by Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen - 2015 -
Fostering the Development of Emerging Knowledge Intensive Industry in China: The role of local
Jun Jin, Zhengyi Zhang, Maureen McKelvey
Globelics conference 2015 - 2015 -
Conclusions of Innovation Spaces in
Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
Innovation spaces in Asia entrepreneurs, multinational enterprises and policy edited by Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen - 2015 -
Introduction to Innovation Spaces in
Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
McKelvey, M. and Bagchi-Sen, S. (2015). Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy - 2015 -
Understanding Innovation Spaces through Emerging Multinational Enterprises in China: An Explorative Case Study of a Chinese Wind Turbine
D Slepniov, Astrid Heidemann Lassen, S Haakonsson, Maureen McKelvey
McKelvey, M. and Bagchi-Sen, S. (2015). Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy - 2015 -
Ramifications for Western Firms of Navigating Through Innovation Spaces in
Maureen McKelvey
McKelvey, M. and Bagchi-Sen, S. (2015). Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy - 2015 -
Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and
Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
2015 -
Evaluating the performance of higher education institutions in Europe: A non-parametric efficiency analysis of 944
Ann Veiderpass, Maureen McKelvey
Efficiency in Education Workshop 19th – 20th September 2014 at The Work Foundation, London, U.K.., 2014 ( 9 ) s. 1-22 - 2014 -
Navigating Innovation Spaces in
Maureen McKelvey
UNU-Merit Conference, in the Nethlands on 26-28 November 2014 - 2014 -
Knowledge Intensive
Maureen McKelvey
European Network on the Economics of the Firm (ENEF) - 2014 -
The Influence of Collaboration on Firm Publications: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Cancer
Maureen McKelvey, Bastian Rake
15th International Conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS), hosted by the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, 27–30 July, 2014. - 2014 -
Exploring innovation Spaces in
Maureen McKelvey, Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen
International Schumpeter Conference, Jena, Germany, 27-30 July 2014 - 2014 -
Innovation contexts and the dynamics of entrepreneurial
Rani J. Dang, Maureen McKelvey
Journée Entrepreneuriat et PME: enjeux et perspectives - 2014 -
Can public policy regenerate a traditional industry through collaborative research? The case of the Swedish food
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
DRUID Society conference 2014, CBS, Copenhagen, June 16-18 - 2014 -
The influence of collaboration on firm publications: Evidence from pharmaceutical cancer
Maureen McKelvey, Bastian Rake
Research seminar series at Ingenio, University of Valencia, Spain. 30 September 2014. - 2014 -
Knowlege Intensive Entrepreneurship: Conceptualization and a Research
Maureen McKelvey
Plenary speaker at DRUID Academy 2014. 15-17 January 2014, Aalborg, Denmark. - 2014 -
How public policy can stimulate the capabilities of firms to innovate in traditional industry through academic engagement: The case of the Swedish food
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
Research Seminar series at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research - 2014 -
How Networks and Sectoral Conditions affect Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurial Venture in the Medical Technology Industry: A case study of
Jens Laage-Hellman, Maureen McKelvey
conference Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health Care & Life Sciences. 2nd annual InnovHealth network. - 2014 -
The influence of collaboration on firm publications: Evidence from pharmaceutical cancer
Maureen McKelvey, Bastian Rake
Conference Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health Care & Life Sciences. 2nd annual InnovHealth network. - 2014 -
How and why does cost efficiency of universities differ across European Universities? An explorative attempt using new micro
zara daghbashyan, Enrico Deiaco, Maureen McKelvey
Bonaccorsi, A. (2014), Knowledge, Diversity and the Performance in European Higher Education - 2014 -
Science, Technology and Business
Maureen McKelvey
Dodgson, M.; D. Gann and N. Phillips (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management - 2014 -
Collaborative Strategies: How and Why Academic Spin-offs Interact with Engineering University
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Olof Zaring, Jens Laage-Hellman, Stefan Szücs
How Entrepreneurs Do What they Do: Case Study of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship / McKelvey, M. and A.H. Lassen (eds.) - 2013 -
Collaborative research in Innovative Food: An example of renewing a traditional low-tech
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Jens Laage-Hellman
How Entrepreneurs Do What they Do: Case Study of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship / McKelvey, M. and A.H. Lassen (eds.) - 2013 -
Restless Capitalism and the economizing
Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey
Economics of Innovation and New Technology - 2013 -
Academic Inventors, Technological Profiles and Patent Value: An Analysis of Academic Patents owned by Swedish-based
Daniel Ljungberg, Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey
Industry and Innovation - 2013 -
Development of self-sufficient and sustainable innovation spaces in China: An explorative case
Dmitrij Slepniov, Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey
Workshop Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia. Gothenburg, Sweden, organized by IIE, 20-22 Feb 2013. - 2013 -
Business strategy and innovation spaces in
Sharmistha Bagchi-Sen, Maureen McKelvey
Conference Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia - 2013 -
Exploring China as a source of learning for Swedish
Magnus H.Å Johansson, Maureen McKelvey
Conference Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia - 2013 -
Biotechnology and
Yanmei Zhu, Maureen McKelvey
Conference Business strategy and innovation spaces in Asia - 2013 -
Research network position and innovative performance: Evidence from the pharmaceutical
Maureen McKelvey, Bastian Rake
Workshop on the role of hospitals in innovation, Center for Technology, innovation and culture, University of Oslo - 2013 -
Financing and privatizing a visionary research endeavour in proteonomics: The case of prosci in
Johan Brink, Maureen McKelvey
How Entrepreneurs do What they do: Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship - 2013 -
The Evolving Domain of Entrepreneurship
Bo Carlsson, Pontus Braunerhjelm, Maureen McKelvey, Christer Olofsson, Lars Persson, Håkan Ylinenpää
Small Business Economics - 2013 -
Academic Inventors and Knowledge Technology Transfer in nanoscience in
Evangelos Bourelos, Berna Beyhan, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID ACADEMY 2013, Aalborg, Denmark, January 16-January 18 2013 - 2013 -
Annika Rickne, Maureen McKelvey
Management : an advanced introduction. Alexander Styhre and Lars Strannegård (Eds.) - 2013 -
Academic engagement and commercialisation: A review of the literature on university-industry
M. Perkmann, V. Tartari, Maureen McKelvey, E. Autio, A. Brostrom, P. D'Este, R. Fini, A. Geuna, R. Grimaldi, A. Hughes, S. Krabel, M. Kitson, P. Llerena, F. Lissoni, A. Salter, M. Sobrero
Research Policy - 2013 -
How Entrepreneurs Do What They Do: Case Studies of Knowleedge Intensive
Maureen McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
2013 -
Conclusions and Implications of Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive
Maureen McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
How Entrepreneurs Do What they Do: Case Studies of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship - 2013 -
Introduction to Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive
Maureen McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
How Entrepreneus Do What They Do: Case Studies of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship - 2013 -
Business models in Big Data in China: Opportunities through sequencing and
Yanmei Zhu, Maureen McKelvey
How Entrepreneurs Do What They Do: Case Studies of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship - 2013 -
Financing and privatizing a visionary research endeavor in proteonomics: The case of ProSci in
Johan Brink, Maureen McKelvey
How Entrepreneurs Do What They Do: Case Studies of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship - 2013 -
Managing Knowledge Intensive
Maureen McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
2013 -
Universities struggling with accountability and trust: Insights from university-industry interactions in innovtive
Maureen McKelvey
Engvall, L and Scott, P. "Trust in Universities" Wenner-Gren International Series - 2013 -
Investigating the complexity facing academic entrepreneurs in science and engineering: the complementarities of research performance, networks and support structures in
Evangelos Bourelos, Mats Magnusson, Maureen McKelvey
Cambridge Journal of Economics - 2012 -
Collaboration Strategies in University-Industry Relationships for Entrepreneurial
Knowledge intensive entrepreneurial firms exploring innovative opportunities in high tech sectors: The Question of
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey
AEGIS Deliverables and Report Series - 2012 -
What characterizes firms' academic patents? Academic involvement in industrial invention in
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Industry and Innovation - 2012 -
Regional innovation governance : a model for complex systems of innovation and economic
Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
14th International Schumpeter Society Conference - 2012 -
Revisiting Technology Centrality in University-Industry Interaction: A Study of Firms’ Academic Patents in
Maureen McKelvey, Evangelos Bourelos, Daniel Ljungberg
International Schumpeter Society Conference, July 2-5 2012, Brisbane. - 2012 -
University mergers and strategic positioning: The Swedish
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Workshop on Collaboration and Concentration: Alliances and Mergers in Higher Education. Current Practices and Future Opportunities. November 15-16, Bucharest - 2012 -
The Evolving Domain of Entrepreneurship
Bo Carlsson, P Braunerhjelm, Maureen McKelvey, C Olofsson, Lars Persson, H Ylinenpää
International Schumpeter Society conference, Brisbane, Australia, June 2012 - 2012 -
Developing new capabilities fori nnovation and development: A study of Swedish firms' responses to tensions in
Magnus H.Å Johansson, Maureen McKelvey
Globlics conference, Hangzhou, China, November 2012 - 2012 -
Effects of position in research network on innovative performance: Evidence the Pharmaceutical
Maureen McKelvey, Bastian Rake
International Schumpeter Conference, Brisbane, Australia, July 2012 - 2012 -
Universities as Strategic Actors in the Knowlege
Enrico Deiaco, Alan Hughes, Maureen McKelvey
Cambridge Journal of Economics - 2012 -
Collaboration strategies in university-industry
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg
AEGIS Final conference: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Knowledge Based Economy, September 5-7, Milan - 2012 -
Creating Innovative Opportunities: Lessons from Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
ZEW International Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDE), October 4-5, Mannheim - 2012 -
Creating Innovative Opportunities: Lessons from Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Astrid Heidemann Lassen
The 10th GLOBELICS International Conference, November 9-11, Hangzhou, China - 2012 -
Översikt av Innovations och Entreprenörskaps-inriktade verksamheter på Chalmers Tekniska Högskola och Göteborgs
Daniel Ljungberg, Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey
2012 -
Revisiting Firm Size and Technology Centrality in University-Industry Interaction: A Study of Firms' Academic Patents in
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey, Evangelos Bourelos
ESF-APE-INV workshop: “Scientists & Inventors” – KU Leuven, 10-11 May 2012 - 2012 -
Academic Patenting in Sweden: New Evidence from the 2011
Evangelos Bourelos, Maureen McKelvey
ESF-APE-INV workshop: “Scientists & Inventors” – KU Leuven, 10-11 May 2012 - 2012 -
Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurial Firms Exploring Innovative Opportunities in High Tech Sectors: The case of open
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey
AEGIS Deliverables and Reports Series - 2012 -
Alternative logics for resource acquisition and academic engagement with
Markus Perkmann, Maureen McKelvey
Academy of Management Conference 2012¨, Boston - 2012 -
Conceptualizing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: A Literature Review for Analyzing Case Studies and Policy
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey
AEGIS EU Framework programme 7: Conference and website - 2011 -
Conceptualizing Knowlege Intensive Entrepreneurship: Concepts and
Maureen McKelvey, Franco Malerba
AEGIS Deliverables and Reports Series - 2011 -
A Pact with the Devil? Resource Acquisition and Engagement with Alternative
Markus Perkmann, Maureen McKelvey
EGOS Summer Conference 2012. Gothenburg, Sweden - 2011 -
A Pact with the Devil? Resource Acquisition Engagement with Alternative
Markus Perkmann, Maureen McKelvey
EGOS Conference, 2011, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2011 -
Universities Playing Strategic Roles in the Knowledge Economy: Business Services in University-Industry
Maureen McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman, Markus Perkmann
Cicalics Conference, Tsinghua University, China - 2011 -
Open Innovation as a Strategy for New Knowledge Intensive
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey
MCPC 2011: Bridging Mass Customization & Open Innovation, San Francisco - 2011 -
Strategies for Inernational Development in Knowledge Intensive New Ventures: Implications for Asian-European
Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Maureen McKelvey, Dmitrij Slepniov
EASMA Euro-Asian Management Studies Association - 2011 -
Local Political Capital for Innovation in the Global Knowledge
Stefan Szücs, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
Book of Abstracts, XVII World Congress of Sociology, 11-17 July 2010, Gothenburg - 2010 -
New innovators and knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship in some European sectoral
Maureen McKelvey, c Lenzi, K Bishop, S Breschi, P Llerena, F Malerba, ML Mancusi
Malerba, Franco. (2010). Knowledge intensive entrepreneurship and innovation systems: Evidence from Europe - 2010 -
Diversity of knowledge intensive entrepreneurial firms: Struggling biotech firms despite
Maureen McKelvey, Johan Brink
Malerba, Franco (2010). Knowledge intensive entrepreneurship and innovation systems: Evidence from Europe - 2010 -
Conceptualizing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: Concepts and
Maureen McKelvey, Franco Malerba
Aegis conference - 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. - 2010 -
Academic involvement in firm patenting: A study of firms’ academic patents in
Daniel Ljungberg, Maureen McKelvey
Druid Summer Conference London - 2010 -
Can public policy create sustainable and long-term effects on industry? Conceptual issues and the case of life sciences for innovative food in
Jens Laage-Hellman, Maureen McKelvey
International Schumpeter Society Conference - 2010 -
Polarization of the Swedish University Sector: Structural Characteristics and
Daniel Ljungberg, Mattias Johansson, Maureen McKelvey
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business - 2009 -
Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge
Maureen McKelvey, Magnus Holmén
2009 -
Triple Helix as a basis for capacity building through innovation
Stefan Szücs, Susan Marton, Olof Zaring, Maureen McKelvey
Paper presented at the 7th Biennial International Conference on University, Industry & Government Linkages, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 17-19 June, 2009 - 2009 -
Investing in Localized Relationships with Universities: What are the benefits for R&D subsidiaries of multinational
Anders Broström, Maureen McKelvey, Christian Sandström
Industry and Innovation - 2009 -
Academic Patenting in France, Italy and
Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena, Maureen McKelvey, Bulat Sanditov
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business - 2009 -
What Does it Mean Conceptually that Universities
Enrico Deiaco, Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business - 2009 -
From Social Institution to Knowledge
Enrico Deiaco, Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business - 2009 -
Elite European Universities and the R&D Subsidiaries of Multinational
Anders Broström, Maureen McKelvey, Christian Sandström
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business - 2009 -
Biotechnology Industries in Part III: Neo-Schumpeterian medo
Maureen McKelvey
Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics - 2009 -
EU - Future Innovation
Maureen McKelvey
2009 -
The Forgotten Individuals: Attitudes and skills in Academic Commercialization in
Mats Magnusson, Maureen McKelvey, M Versiglioni
European Universities Learning to Compete: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK. - 2009 -
Analysis of Chain-linked Effects of Public Policy: Effects on Research and Industry in Swedish Life sciences for Innovative Food and Medical
Jens Laage-Hellman, Maureen McKelvey, Mattias Johansson
2009 -
Var ligger problemet ? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i
Maureen McKelvey, Mats Magnusson, Martin Wallin, Daniel Ljungberg
in Forska lagom och vara världsbäst: Sverige inför forskningens globala strukturomvandling, in Benner, M., & Sörlin, S. (Eds.) SNS-förlaget. - 2008 -
Comments about Innovation and
Maureen McKelvey
Perspectives on Innovation - 2008 -
Health Biotechnology: Emerging Business Models and Institutional
Maureen McKelvey
2008 -
Scrutinizing Policy Assumptions in
Maureen McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman, Annika Rickne
2008 -
Academic Patenting in Europe: New Evidence from the KEINS
Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena, Saditov Bulat, Maureen McKelvey
2008 -
The Forgotten Individuals: Attitudes and Skills in Academic Commercialization in
Maureen McKelvey, Matteo Versiglioni, Mats Magnusson
2008 -
Analysis of Effects on Research and Industry in Life
Maureen McKelvey, Daniel Ljungberg, Jens Laage-Hellman
2008 -
Health Biotechnology; Emerging Business Models and Institutional
Maureen McKelvey
2008 -
Bioteknik: Från industristruktur till
Maureen McKelvey
Erik Giertz (2008). Då Förändras Sverige: 25 experter beskriver drivkrafter bakom utvecklingen - 2008 -
Academic Patenting in Europe: Evidence on France, Italy from the KEINS
Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena, Maureen McKelvey, Bulat Sanditov
Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2007 - 2008 -
Elite European Universities and the R&D Subsidiaries of Multinational
Anders Broström, Maureen McKelvey, Christian Sandström
Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2007 - 2008 -
Academic Patenting in Europe: Evidence on France, Italy from the KEINS
Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Llerena, Maureen McKelvey, Bulat Sanditov
Research Evaluation - 2008 -
Maureen McKelvey, Magnus Holmén
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2008). Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business - 2008 -
The Forgotten Individuals in the Commercialization of Science: Attitudes and skills in relation to commercialization in
Mats Magnusson, Maureen McKelvey, Matteo Versiglioni
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2008). Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business - 2008 -
Var ligger problemet? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i
Maureen McKelvey, Mats Magnusson, Martin Wallin, Daniel Ljungberg
2007 -
Developing Capabilities: An Analysis of Biotechnology in two Regions in Australia and
Johan Brink, Maureen McKelvey, Linus Dahlander
European Planning Studies - 2007 -
On the relationship between the evolution of technological firms and their knowledge development
Johan Brink, Maureen McKelvey
Journal of electronic science and technology of china - 2007 -
Does structure matter for science? The Matthew effect in the Swedish university
Daniel Ljungberg, Mattias Johansson, Maureen McKelvey
2007 -
Maureen McKelvey
Hanusch, Horst and Andreas Pyka. Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics - 2007 -
Commentary upon Part VI. Innovation and
Maureen McKelvey
Malerba, Franco and Stefano Brusoni (2007). Perspectives on Innovation. - 2007 -
Does Structure Matter for Science?: The Matthew Effect in the Swedish University
Daniel Ljungberg, Mattias Johansson, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID Summer Conference 2007, Köpenhamn 18-21 Juni - 2007 -
What are innovative
Magnus Holmén, Mats Magnusson, Maureen McKelvey
Industry and Innovation - 2007 -
Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey
Flexibility and Stability in the Innovating Economy/ McKelvey, M. and Holmén, M. (eds.) - 2006 -
On the relationship between the evolution of technological firms and their knowledge development
Johan Brink, Maureen McKelvey
Journal of electronic science and technology of China - 2006 -
Underlying assumptions in Public Policies for Modern
Annika Rickne, Maureen McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman
SPRU 40th Anniversary Conference - The Future of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, University of Sussex, United Kingdom, September 11 – 13 - 2006 -
Scrutinizing Policy Assumptions in Biotechnology, Globelics India 2006: Innovation Systems for Competitiveness and Shared Prosperity in Developing
Annika Rickne, Maureen McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman
Trivandrum, India, Oct 4-7 - 2006 -
Scrutinizing policy assumptions in
Annika Rickne, Maureen McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman
Globalics conference in Trivandrum, India, 4-7 October. - 2006 -
The Development of Regional Specialization in Modern
Johan Brink, Linus Dahlander, Maureen McKelvey
Industry and Innovation - 2006 -
Uncertainty and the Economizing
Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey
Schumpeter Society Conference, Sophia-Antopolis, France, June 21-24, 2006 - 2006 -
Survey and Introduction to Economics of
Maureen McKelvey, Luigi Orsenigo
Printed in McKelvey and Orsenigo, Economics of Biotechnology: A Two Volume Reference collection, Edward Elgar Publishers - 2006 -
Economics of Biotechnology: A Two Volume Reference
Maureen McKelvey, Luigi Orsenigo
Edward Elgar Publishers, UK - 2006 -
Flexibility and Stability in the Innovating
Maureen McKelvey, Magnus Holmén
2006 -
Innovative Opportunities and Dependencies: Illustrations from mobile
Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey, Mats Magnusson
McKelvey, M. and Holmén, M. (eds.) - 2006 -
Analyzing Flexibility and Stability In Co-evolutionary
Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey
Flexibility and Stability in the Innovating Economy / McKelvey, M. and Holmén, M. (eds.) / Oxford University Press - 2006 -
Conclusions to Biotechnology and Telecommunciation
Maureen McKelvey, Erik Bohlin
Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice - 2005 -
Industrial Development Centres (IDCs) as a Regional Innovation Tool: Comparing Policy Practices in the Hunter Valley, Australia and in Finspång,
M-L Eriksson, Maureen McKelvey
Innovation: management, policy & practice - 2005 -
) Innovative Opportunities: What do we learn from opportunities in mobile
Magnus Holmén, Mats Magnusson, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID Tenth Anniversary Summer Conference 2005, June 27 - 29, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2005 -
How and why does knowledge accumulation occur in small, Swedish biotech research
Johan Brink, Maureen McKelvey
EU project KEINS (Knowledge based entrepreneurship in networks) meeting, Milan, 3-4 February 2005 - 2005 -
Innovative Opportunities, What do we learn from opportunities in mobile
Maureen McKelvey, Mats Magnusson, Magnus Holmén
The DRUID Tenth Anniversary Summer Conference on Dynamics of Industry and Innovation: Organizations, Networks and Systems, June 27-29, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark, www.druid.dk - 2005 -
Appreciative Theorizing and Innovative
Maureen McKelvey
EAMEE conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, May 2005 - 2005 -
Innovative Opportunities and Search: Differences amongst firms and
Maureen McKelvey
Uddevalla Symposium and McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Sept 2005 - 2005 -
What are innovative
Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey
Industry & Innovation - 2005 -
What drives innovation processes in modern biotechnology and open source
Maureen McKelvey
Innovation: management, policy & practice - 2005 -
Creating, sharing and transferring knowledge: The role of Geography, Institutions,
Linus Dahlander, Maureen McKelvey
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management - 2005 -
Who is not developing open source software? Non-users, users, and
Linus Dahlander, Maureen McKelvey
Economics of Innovation and New Technology - 2005 -
Tensions in Co-Evolutionary Processes: Three Swedish Seed Organizations in the 20th
Maureen McKelvey
Economics of Innovation and New Technology - 2005 -
Biotechnology and Telecommunications Innovation: Conditions and Processes for Emerging
Erik Bohlin, Maureen McKelvey
Innovation: management, policy & practice - 2005 -
The occurrence and spatial distribution of collaboration: biotech firms in Gothenburg,
Linus Dahlander, Maureen McKelvey
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management - 2005 -
Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey
European Urban and Regional Studies - 2005 -
Evolutionary economics perspectives on the regional – national – international dimension of biotechnology innovations’ environment and
Maureen McKelvey
Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy - 2004 -
Innovative opportunities and Emerging
Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey, Mats Magnusson
EU project KEINS (Knowledge based entrepreneurship in networks) meeting, Milan, 3-4 February 2005 - 2004 -
The Dynamics of Regional Specialization in Modern Biotechnology: Comparing Two Regions in Sweden and Two Regions in Australia ,
Johan Brink, Linus Dahlander, Maureen McKelvey
Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnology / McKelvey, M, Laage-Hellman, J. and Rickne, A. / Edward Elgar Publisher - 2004 -
Reflections and ways
H Kettler, Maureen McKelvey, Luigi Orsenigo
The economic dynamics of modern biotechnology - 2004 -
Pharmaceuticals analyzed through the lens of sectoral innovation
Maureen McKelvey, Luigi Orsenigo, F Pammolli
Sectoral System of Innovation: Concepts, issues and analyses of six major sectors in Europe - 2004 -
Introduction, in McKelvey, M., A. Rickne and J.
Jens Laage-Hellman, Maureen McKelvey, Annika Rickne
The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnologies: Europe in Global Trends - 2004 -
The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnologies: Europe in Global
Maureen McKelvey, Jens Laage-Hellman, Annika Rickne
2004 -
Stylized facts about innovation processes in modern
Maureen McKelvey, Annika Rickne, Jens Laage-Hellman
The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnologies: Europe in Global Trends, - 2004 -
Who is not developing open source
Linus Dahlander, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID Summer Conference. June 14-16, Elsinore - 2004 -
Conceptualizing and measuring modern
Johan Brink, Maureen McKelvey, Keith Smith
The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnology / McKelvey, M, Laage-Hellman, J. and Rickne, A./ Edward Elgar Publisher - 2004 -
The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnology, Edward Elgar,
Maureen McKelvey, Annika Rickne, Jens Laage-Hellman
2004 -
What are innovation
Magnus Holmén, Maureen McKelvey, Mats Magnusson
International Joseph A. Schumpeter society conference, Milano, Italy, June - 2004 -
Pharmaceuticals analyzed through the lens of sectoral innovation
Maureen McKelvey
Sectoral System of Innovation: Concepts, issues and analyses of six major sectors in Europe / Malerba , F - 2004 -
The perception of Linux among users and potential
Linus Dahlander, Maureen McKelvey
3d ETE Workshop January 29-30, Sophia-Antipolis - 2004 -
How and why dynamic selection regimes affect the firm’s innovative search
Maureen McKelvey
Innovation : management, policy and practice - 2004 -
Considerations about the Production and Utilization of
Maureen McKelvey
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics - 2004 -
Does co-location matter? Knowledge collaboration in the Swedish biotechnology-pharmacuetical
Håkan Alm, Maureen McKelvey, M Riccaboni
Research Policy - 2003 -
Does co-location matter? Knowledge collaboration in the Swedish biotechnology-pharmacuetical
Håkan Alm, Maureen McKelvey, R Massimo
Institutions for Industrial Competitivness in the international pharmacuetical industry - 2003 -
Proximity as a Factor in Biotechnology Research and
Linus Dahlander, Maureen McKelvey
Wirtschaft politische Blätter. Österriechischer Wirtschaftsverlag [Mitterlehner, R. (ed.)] - 2003 -
Does co-location matter? Knowledge collaboration in the Swedish biotechnology-pharmaceutical
H. Alm, Maureen McKelvey, R. Massimo
Institutions for industrial competitiveness in the international pharmaceutical industry. The Office of Health Economics / Mestre-Ferrandiz, J. and Sussex, J. (eds) - 2003 -
Changing Boundaries of Innovation Systems: Linking Market Demand and
Maureen McKelvey
The Business of System Integration / Mestre-Ferrandiz, J. and Sussex, J. (eds) /Oxford University Press - 2003 -
Revisiting Frequency and Spatial Distribution: Innovation Collaboration for Biotech
Linus Dahlander, Maureen McKelvey
DRUID Summer Conference. June 12-14, Copenhagen. www.druid.dk - 2003 -
Industrial Sectors:
Maureen McKelvey
The International Encyclopedia of Business Management: The Handbook of Economics - 2002 -
Innovationspolitik för Sverige - Vinnova
Maureen McKelvey
2002 -
Skapar Innovationer jobb? Produktinnovationer och processinnovationer i den kunskapsbaserade
C Edquist, L Hommen, Maureen McKelvey
2002 -
Skapar innovationer
C Edquist, L Hommen, Maureen McKelvey
2002 -
Innovations and Employment in a System of Innovation
Charles Edquist, Leif Hommen, Maureen McKelvey
2001 -
The Economic dynamics of Software: Three competing business models Exemplified though Microsoft, Netscape and
Maureen McKelvey
Economics of Innovation and Technology - 2001 -
Reviewing the Debates about Systems of
Charles Edquist, Maureen McKelvey
Systems of Innovation: Growth, Competitiveness and Employment - 2000 -
Australian Biotechnology Firms: Problems in appropriating Economic Returns to
Maureen McKelvey
Economic and social impact of Biotechnology - 2000 -
Network-based Dynamics: Does Linux Represent a real competitor to
Maureen McKelvey
Demands, Markets, Users and Innovation - 2000 -
Surviving technological Discontinuities through Evolutionary systems of Innovation: Ericsson and Mobile
Maureen McKelvey, F Texier
Technology and Knowledge: from the firm to innovation systems - 2000 -
Systems of Innovation: Growth, Competitiveness, and
C Edquist, Maureen McKelvey
2000 -
Product versus Process Innovation: Productivity Growth and
Charles Edquist, Leif Hommen, Maureen McKelvey
Employment, Technology, and Economic Needs - 1998 -
R&D as Pre-Market Selection: Of Uncertainty and its
Maureen McKelvey
The Micro-Foundations of Economic Growth - 1998 -
High R&D Intensity without High Tech Products: A Swedish
Charles Edquist, Maureen McKelvey
Institutions and Economic Change - 1998 -
Evolutionary Innovations: Learning, Entrepreneurship, and the Dynamics of the
Maureen McKelvey
Journal of Evolutionary Economics - 1998 -
Coevolution in Commercial Genetic Engineering, Industrial and Corporate
Maureen McKelvey
Industrial and Corporate Change - 1997 -
Using evolutionary theory to define systems of
Maureen McKelvey
Systems of Innovation - Technology, Institutions and Organizations - 1997 -
Coevolution of cognitive and Institutional Environments in
Maureen McKelvey
Knowledge, technology transfer and forecasting - 1997 -
Moving to
Maureen McKelvey
Kunglig skogs- och lantbruksakademins Tidskrift - 1997 -
Technological Discontinuities in Genetic Engineering in
Maureen McKelvey
Technological Analysis & Strategic Management - 1996 -
Redefining transfer in Biotechnology and Software: Multiple Creation of Knowledge and Issues of
Maureen McKelvey
Kluwer Academic Publisher - 1996 -
Maureen McKelvey
1996 -
Engineering the Biological and Political: Enabling Industrial Use of Genetic Engineering in
Maureen McKelvey
Tidskrift för Teknikhistoria - 1994 -
Japanese Institutions Supporting
Maureen McKelvey
Institutional Development and Change: Theory and Emperical Findings - 1993 -
Technologies embedded in Nations? Genetic Engineering and Technological Change in National Systems of
Maureen McKelvey
The Journal of Socio-Economics - 1993 -
How do national systems of Innovation
Maureen McKelvey
Rethinking Economics - 1991 -
Högteknologiska produkter och produktivitet i Svensk
C Edquist, Maureen McKelvey
1991 -
Historical development of Technology and Society: Surplus of Labour and of
Maureen McKelvey
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews - 1990 -
Technological Devlopment and Society: Surplus of Labour and of Production in
Maureen McKelvey
Tidskrift för Teknikhistoria - 1990