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- Andreas Diedrich
Andreas Diedrich
Företagsekonomiska institutionenOm Andreas Diedrich
På andra webbplatser
- Organisational studies
- Management
- Labour market integration of refugees and other immigrants
- Organisational learning
- Organisational change
- Organisational learning
- Organisational change
- Leadership
- Translation sociology and innovation
Utvalda publikationer
Exercising social responsibility in downsizing: enrolling and mobilizing actors at a Swedish high-tech company
Bergström, Ola, Diedrich, Andreas
Organization Studies, 32:7, s. 897-919, 2011
Making the refugee multiple
Diedrich, Andreas, Styhre, Alexander, Dietrich, Andreas
Scandinavian Journal of Management, 24:4, s. 330-342, 2008
"Who's giving us the answers?" Interpreters and the validation of prior foreign learning
Diedrich, Andreas
International Journal of Lifelong Education, 32:2, s. 230-246, 2013
Classifying difference in organizing, or how to create monsters
Diedrich, Andreas
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 33:7, s. 614-632, 2014
Sorting people out – The uses of one-dimensional classificatory schemes in a multi-dimensional world
Diedrich, Andreas, Eriksson-Zetterquist, Ulla, Styhre, Alexander
Culture and Organization, 17:4, s. 271-292, 2011
From implementation to appropriation: understanding knowledge management system development and introduction as a process of translation
Diedrich, Andreas, Guzman, Gaustavo
Journal of Knowledge Management, 19:6, s. 1273-1294, 2015
International expertise and local know-how in the trading zone
Diedrich, Andreas, Styhre, Alexander
Scandinavian Journal of Management, 28:4, s. 340-351, 2012
Translating policy harmonization into practice-The case of the EU Blue Card
Almina Besic, Andreas Diedrich, Dzeneta Karabegovic
On refugee integration as organizing processes—Action nets, agency, and
Andreas Diedrich
European Management Journal - 2024 -
Andreas Diedrich
Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - 2024 -
Organising Integration Support for Recent Immigrants in Sweden as a
Spectacle: Practices and
Andreas Diedrich
puntOrg - International Journal - 2023 -
Space and organizing - On Spatial
Gustavo Guzmán, Andreas Diedrich, Franck Cochoy
2023 -
Organising immigrants' integration - Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and
Andreas Diedrich, Barbara Czarniawska
2023 -
Between skills development and rural development: Agencing a Swedish training centre for furniture manufacturing in South
Andreas Diedrich, Airi Rovio-Johansson
In Gustavo Guzman, Andreas Diedrich and Franck Cochoy (2023). Space and Organizing. On spatial Agencing - 2023 -
Introduction: Shifting perspectives on the organizing properties of
Gustavo Guzman, Andreas Diedrich, Franck Cochoy
Space and Organizing: On Spatial Agencing - 2023 -
Organising the “Labour of Hope”: A Critical Take on the Role of Internships and Mentorships in Supporting Highly Skilled Immigrants into
Andreas Diedrich, Annette Risberg
Diedrich, Andreas & Czarniawska, Barbara (2023). Organising Immigrants’ Integration: Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and Societies. - 2023 -
Organising Integration: Some Conclusions and Directions for the
Andreas Diedrich
Diedrich, Andreas & Czarniawska, Barbara (2023). Organising Immigrants’ Integration: Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and Societies. - 2023 -
Lost in transitional space? Organising labour market integration for highly skilled refugees in the welfare
Andreas Diedrich, Vedran Omanovic
European Management Review - 2023 -
Barbara Czarniawska, Andreas Diedrich
Diedrich, Andreas & Czarniawska, Barbara (2023) (eds). Organising Immigrants' Integration - Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and Societies - 2023 -
Boundaries of collaboration – the case of a temporary housing complex for refugees in
Sara Brorström, Andreas Diedrich
Public Management Review - 2022 -
Organising labour market integration support for refugees in Austria and Sweden during the Covid-19
A. Besic, Andreas Diedrich, P. Aigner
Comparative Migration Studies - 2021 -
Life Cycle Work: A Process Study of the Emergence and Performance of Life Cycle
H. Nilsson-Linden, Andreas Diedrich, H. Baumann
Organization & Environment - 2021 -
Att organisera integration av nyanlända och andra utrikesfödda personer på den svenska arbetsmarknaden – från ”flyktingkrisen” till COVID-19
Andreas Diedrich, Hanna Hellgren
2021 -
Att riva gränser genom att skapa nya – om samverkan i projektet ”Tillsammans för jobb och integration i
Organizing life cycle management in practice: challenges of a multinational manufacturing
Hanna Nilsson-Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Magnus Rosén, Andreas Diedrich
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - 2018 -
Organizing Labour Market Integration of Foreign-born Persons in the Gothenburg Metropolitan
Andreas Diedrich, Hanna Hellgren
2018 -
Validation of immigrants' prior foreign learning as a framing
Andreas Diedrich
European Management Journal - 2017 -
Mobilizing performativity in studies of immigrants' labour market
Andreas Diedrich, Hanna Hellgren
Proceedings - Conference on Immigration and Labour Market Integration – a European Challenge for the 21st Century, 13-15 November, 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2017 -
Making humans and nonhumans talk in diversity
Andreas Diedrich
A Research Agenda for Management and Organization Studies, Barbara Czarniawska (red.), - 2016 -
Personalförsörjning och validering inom
Petra Adolfsson, Andreas Diedrich, Nanna Gillberg, Fredrik Lavén, Lars Walter
2015 -
Constructing trust and distance in the validation of prior learning of (potential)
Andreas Diedrich
APROS/EGOS Symposium 9-11 December 2015, UTS Sydney, Australia - 2015 -
Integration of recent refugees and other immigrants as human waste disposal: A Baumanesque take on ‘integration
Andreas Diedrich
6th Australasian Caucus of the Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism, 30/11-2/12, Sydney, Australia - 2015 -
Andreas Diedrich, Lars Walter
Lars Walter (red.): Mellan jobb. Omställningsavtal och stöd till uppsagda i Sverige - 2015 -
Andreas Diedrich, Lars Walter
Lars Walter (red): Mellan jobb. Omställningsavtal och stöd till uppsagda i Sverige - 2015 -
From implementation to appropriation: understanding knowledge management system development and introduction as a process of
Andreas Diedrich, Gaustavo Guzman
Journal of Knowledge Management - 2015 -
Material arrangements in the recognition of prior learning of
Andreas Diedrich
5th LAEMOS Colloquium Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies, Laemos Conference, Havana, Cuba, 2-5 April, 2014 - 2014 -
Linking environmental LCM and knowledge management: The case of a multinational
Hanna Nilsson-Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Magnus Rosén, Andreas Diedrich
Proceedings of the 4th International [avniR] Conference in Lille, France, November 5-6, 2014 - 2014 -
LCM in industry practices; it is not all about tools. Learnings from a multinational
Hanna Nilsson-Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Magnus Rosén, Andreas Diedrich
Presented at the 4th International [avniR] Conference in Lille, France, November 5-6, 2014 - 2014 -
Classifying difference in organizing, or how to create
Andreas Diedrich
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal - 2014 -
The role of knowledge and capabilities in a sustainable product chain context - a literature
Hanna Nilsson-Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Andreas Diedrich
Proceedings of the 8th EISAM colloquium on Organizational Change & Development (OCD) in Ghent, Belgium, September 12-13, 2013 - 2013 -
The role of knowledge and capabilities in the environmental context — a literature
Hanna Nilsson-Lindén, Henrikke Baumann, Andreas Diedrich
Presented at the 7th International Society for industrial Ecology (ISIE) Biennial Conference, in Ulsan, South Korea, June 25-28, 2013 - 2013 -
Constructing the employable immigrant: The uses of validation practices in
Andreas Diedrich, Alexander Styhre
Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization - 2013 -
Translating validation of prior learning in
Andreas Diedrich
International Journal of Lifelong Education - 2013 -
Exploring the Performativity Turn in Management
Andreas Diedrich, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, Lena Ewertsson, Johan Hagberg, Anette Hallin, Fredrik Lavén, Kajsa Lindberg, Elena Raviola, Egle Rindzeviciute, Lars Walter
2013 -
Frozen fish and mummies: On the role of preserved objects in
"Who's giving us the answers?" Interpreters and the validation of prior foreign
Andreas Diedrich
International Journal of Lifelong Education - 2013 -
I förändringens tid - vardagsberättelser från
Petra Adolfsson, Andreas Diedrich, Fredrik Lavén, Lars Walter
2012 -
International expertise and local know-how in the trading
Andreas Diedrich, Alexander Styhre
Scandinavian Journal of Management - 2012 -
When corporations become too socially responsible, Investigating self-reinforcing mechanisms in socially responsible workforce
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
the 28th EGOS colloquium, July 5-7, 2012, Helsinki - 2012 -
Exercising social responsibility in downsizing: enrolling and mobilizing actors at a Swedish high-tech
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
Organization Studies - 2011 -
Boundary stories: Constructing the Validation Centre in West
Andreas Diedrich, Lars Walter, Barbara Czarniawska
2011 -
Frozen Fish and mummies: On the Role of preserved objects in
Andreas Diedrich, Fredrik Lavén
27th EGOS Colloquium, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg - 2011 -
Boundary stories: Constructing the Validation Centre in West
Andreas Diedrich, Lars Walter, Barbara Czarniawska
Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration - 2011 -
Sorting people out – The uses of one-dimensional classificatory schemes in a multi-dimensional
Andreas Diedrich, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, Alexander Styhre
Culture and Organization. - 2011 -
Uppföljning av Valideringsdelegationens pilotverksamhet. ”Validering till
Andreas Diedrich
2011 -
Imagination and preparedness in organizing - The case of the outbreak of Marburg haemorrhagic fever in
Andreas Diedrich
Conference proceedings 3. LAEMOS conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2010 -
Mimesis, Paradox and Organizational
Andreas Diedrich
Jordan, Silvia & Mitterhofer, Hermann (eds.) Beyond knowledge management - Sociomaterial and sociaocultural perspectives within management research - 2010 -
Boundary stories: The establishment of the Validation Centre in West
Andreas Diedrich, Lars Walter
Proceedings - 3rd RNMR Conference, ESADE Business School, Barcelona - 2009 -
Standardizing management or competence? The case of the Management System for Strategic Competence Support (SS 62 40
Andreas Diedrich, Fredrik Lavén
Proceedings - 25th EGOS Colloquium, ESADE Business School, Barcelona - 2009 -
Marburg virus, or a story of
Andreas Diedrich
Czarniawska, Barbara (2009) (ed.) Organizing in the face of risk and threat. - 2009 -
Risk och organisering – att hantera motstridiga
Andreas Diedrich, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, David Renemark
Adolfsson, Petra och Solli, Rolf (red.) Offentlig sektor och komplexitet. - 2009 -
Making the refugee multiple: The effects of classification
Andreas Diedrich, Alexander Styhre
Scandinavian Journal of Management - 2008 -
From Ethnic Identity to Professional Identity - The Production of Difference in
Andreas Diedrich
Proceedings - 2008 -
Risk and Organizing – An Action Net
Andreas Diedrich, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, David Renemark
Paper presented at the 24th EGOS Colloquium, in Amsterdam 10-12 July 2008. - 2008 -
Producing Difference in Organizing – Attempts to Change an Ethnic Identity into a Proffesional
Andreas Diedrich
2008 -
Responsible Restructuring Practices in Europe – The role of
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
the European Academy of Management Conference in Ljubljana, 15-17th May 2008 - 2008 -
Innovative Restructuring - Learning from
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
Restructuring work and employment in Europe - 2008 -
The Swedish model of
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
Restructuring work and employment in Europe - 2008 -
Organisering kring hot och
Barbara Czarniawska, Andreas Diedrich, Tobias Engberg, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, Eva Gustavsson, Kajsa Lindberg, Lars Norén, David Renemark, Lars Walter, Peter Zackariasson
2007 -
Towards a European practice of responsible restructuring – Innovation and learning from
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
the HRM-network conference, Tilburg, 9th-10th November - 2007 -
Marburg - Kampen mot Ebolas onda
Andreas Diedrich
Czarniawska, Barbara et al (2007) Organisering kring hot och risk - 2007 -
Regional Collaboration and Restructuring in Knowledge Intensive
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
the European Academy of Management Conference in Paris, 16-19 May 2007 - 2007 -
Validating Knowledge and Competencies - The Validationcentre in
Andreas Diedrich, Lars Walter
2006 -
Validation Practices: Classification and Categorization in the Knowledge
Andreas Diedrich, Lars Walter
The 22nd EGOS Colloquium, University of Bergen, Bergen. - 2006 -
Organizing Corporate Social
Ola Bergström, Andreas Diedrich
the 22nd EGOS Colloquium on The Organizing Society, Bergen, July - 2006 -
Constructing Corporate Social Responsibility: A study of workforce reduction in a Swedish high-tech
Regions, Restructuring and Knowledge Intensive Industries: The Case of the VINNVINN Project in Göteborg,
Developing Restructuring Practice - Workforce Reduction at a Large Swedish Telecommunications
The Job Security Councils in
Sammanhållen Arbetsinriktad Introduktion för Nyanlända Flyktingar och andra
Andreas Diedrich
2006 -
How Knowledge Management Fails. The Case of the Best Practice
Andreas Diedrich
In conference proceedings, 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Göteborg University, Göteborg. - 2006 -
A Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Organizations by Chris
Andreas Diedrich
Management Learning. London: Sage Premier. - 2006 -
Smothering the burning desire for knowledge with the best practice
Andreas Diedrich
The passion for learning and knowing: Proceedings of the 6. International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge (2 vols.) - 2005 -
Knowledge, Contexts and the Problem of
Andreas Diedrich
Kristian Wasén (Ed.), Knowledge Production in Mergers and Takeovers - 2005 -
Engineering Knowledge: How Engineers and Managers Practice Knowledge
Andreas Diedrich
2004 -
Imitating Imitation: Best Practice Implementation as Organised Control of Mimesis, conference
Andreas Diedrich
17:e Nordiska Företagsekonomiska Ämneskonferensen, Reykjavik - 2003 -
Engineering Knowledge, conference
Andreas Diedrich
5th International Conference Organisational Learning and Knowledge, Lancaster University, June - 2003 -
Repackaging Knowledge - On Wanting, Having, Needing Knowledge in
Andreas Diedrich
Conference proceedings, 9th Workshop on Managerial and Organizational Cognition, EIASM, Brussels, June 12-14 - 2002 -
Manageable Learning – On the Demand and Supply of Knowledge in
Andreas Diedrich
Conference proceedings, 3rd International Conference “Connecting Learning and Critique, Cambridge University, July 17-19 - 2002 -
Translating Knowledge Transfer – On the impossibility of transferring
Andreas Diedrich
Conference proceedings, 8th Workshop on Managerial and Organizational Cognition, ESCP-EAP, Paris, May 30 – June 1 - 2001 -
Knowledge, Contexts and the Problem of
Andreas Diedrich
Presented at the 16:e Nordiska Företagsekonomiska Ämneskonferensen, Uppsala, August 16-18 - 2001 -
Towards a Generic Theory of Knowledge and its Implications for Knowledge
Axel Targama, Andreas Diedrich
7th Workshop on Managerial and Organizational Cognition ESADE, Barcelona - 2000 -
Knowledge-as-Action and Knowledge
Andreas Diedrich, Gunnar Rimmel
International AIDEA Conference on Managing between Local and Global Contexts, Luiss University, Rome, Italy - 2000 -
On the Social Construction of Knowledge
Andreas Diedrich
Conference proceedings, 2nd International Conference “Emerging Fields in Management – Connecting Learning and Critique”, Lancaster University, July 19-21 - 2000 -
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Hur svenska multinationella företag tillvaratar och sprider sina
Björn Alarik, Andreas Diedrich