
John Armbrecht


Företagsekonomiska institutionen
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Box 610
40530 Göteborg

Om John Armbrecht

John Armbrecht, PhD is head of Centre for Tourism and researcher at the School of Business, Economics and Law at Gothenburg University. His PhD thesis “The Value of Cultural Institutions” was published in 2012. It is an application and evaluation of economic models (Contingent valuation and Willingness-to-Pay) on cultural institutions. The aim was to understand the value and welfare contribution of cultural institutions through methods in Cost-benefit Analysis. The project is financed partly by the School of Business, Economics and Law; Västra Götalandsregionen, Vara Konserthus/Nordiska Akvarellmuseet and Barbro Osher Foundation.

John’s major research interests are wihtin cultural tourism, culture management, cultural economics and economic impact studies. He is currently leading and part of several research projects within these areas.

His publications mainly focus on valuation and welfare aspects within the contexts of events, tourism, culture and lately also marine aquaculture. John has lecturing experience from methodological, marketing and tourism courses and is currently responsible for running an event management and a multivariate data analysis course at the masters level.

På andra webbplatser


  • Marknadsföring
  • Samhällsekonomisk analys
  • kulturekonomi
  • Turism
  • upplevelser
  • evenemangsledning

Pågående forskning

  • SWEMARC, 2016-11 -
  • IKON –: Research on the value of cultural institutions in the Skagerack-Kattegatt region, financed by EU and INTERREGIKON –: Research on the value of cultural institutions in the Skagerack-Kattegatt region, financed by EU and INTERREG, 2008-11 -


  • Marknadsföring
  • Turism
  • Evenemangsledning
  • Kvantitativa metoder

Utvalda publikationer

Use value of cultural experiences: A comparison of contingent valuation and travel cost
Armbrecht, John
Tourism Management, 42, s. 141-148, 2014

Estimating Use and Non-use Values of a Music Festival
Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John, Lundberg, Erik
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 12:3, s. 215-231, 2012

Use-Value of Music Event Experiences: A “Triple Ex” Model Explaining Direct and Indirect Use-Value of Events
Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 14:3, s. 255-274, 2014

Triple impact assessments of the 2013 European athletics indoor championship in Gothenburg
Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John, Lundberg, Erik
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 16:2, 2016