A smiling woman looks at the camera.
Svetlana Polsky

Poetry in the service of nationalism

Culture and languages

Researcher and university lecturer Svetlana Polsky welcomes us to this research seminar with the titel "Poesi i nationalismens tjänst. Den ryska geopolitikens återspeglingar hos Pusjkin och Brodsky" (Poetry in the service of nationalism. Reflections of Russian geopolitics in Pushkin and Brodsky).

3 Oct 2024
10:30 - 12:00
Room D424, Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6

Svetlana Polsky
Good to know
The seminar will be held in Swedish
Institutionen för språk och litteraturer


The subject of the seminar is two poems: A. Pushkin's "To Russia's detractors" (1831) and J. Brodsky's "On the occasion of Ukraine's independence" (1991). Both poems contain a long series of references to historical events that were happening at the time of the poems' creation. Though the poems may appear obscure to today's readers, it is necessary to comment on the historical and cultural realia represented in the texts in order to understand them. Brodsky's poem has never been translated into Swedish, but I intend to present my own interpretation. In addition, an important ideological aspect of the poems is discussed: namely the view of the role and importance of the Russian Empire for the nation, its role and connotations in Russian culture, as well as the Empire´s view of its neighbors.