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Barbara Czarniawska: 50 years in academia

Watch the webinar "Barbara Czarniawska: 50 years in academia"


Groundbreaking, inspiring and always curious – Barbara Czarniawska has been a researcher for 50 years, and she is still very active in academia.
Watch the webinar from 7th of December 2020 "Barbara Czarniawska: 50 years in academia" to celebrate her work and contribution to science. (Available until 2020-12-21)

Organizational change, complex organizations, institutionalism and action nets, as well as narrative methodology, shadowing and organizational ethnographies. Since getting her MA in Social and Industrial Psychology from Warsaw University in 1970, Barbara Czarniawska has worked intensely to broaden our understanding and knowledge of organization and organizing.

For the last 50 years she has spent time at MIT Sloan School of Management, US, Yale University, New Haven, London School of Economics and Political Science, Stockholm School of Economics and Lund University, just to name a few universities around the world. Today, Barbara Czarniawska holds a Research Chair in Management Studies at Gothenburg Research Institute at the University of Gothenburg. 

From all these places and over the five decades of her academic work, Barbara has inspired many researchers of different generations with her distinct voice, ironic (and less ironic) questions and careful, insightful, patient and pragmatic guidance into academic work in many different disciplines. All this with a unique curiosity for new phenomena and new field studies and a restless warning against contemporary academic fads and fashions.

Barbara Czarniawska has worked intensely to broaden our understanding and knowledge of organization and organizing.

This seminar is a celebration of Barbara's 50th anniversary in academia. We gathered around Barbara Czarniawska´s invaluable contribution to organizing and management science, but also around contemporary developments in our field of research. What are the challenges today? In a world of change with a pandemic, social unrest, climate change and digitalisation, what are the questions that need answers in organizing and management?

At the seminar, we have colleagues and friends of Barbara Czarniawska from different periods of her career. The seminar was moderated by Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, Professor at Gothenburg Research Institute, and Elena Raviola, Professor in Design Management at the Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg. 

In the panel you will find:

  • Rolf Solli, Senior Professor at University of Gothenburg
  • Kerstin Sahlin, Professor at Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University
  • Sabina Siebert, Professor of Management in the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow
  • Kjell Tryggestad, Professor, Høgskolen i Innlandet