
CHS/Archives - project granting for Dance as Critical Heritage


The Staging the Archives Cluster has gained continued support through a project grant from The Carina Ari Memorial Foundation for the collaborative platform and project Dance as Critical Heritage (DACH). Funded the first time in 2013, also by The Carina Ari Memorial Foundation the project has conducted workshops focusing on critical activation of local dance archives. The research during this first period was conducted in collaboration with visiting research professor Marsha Meskimmon from Loughborough University UK, artist and artistic researcher Monica Sand at the Centre for Architecture and Design in Stockholm, as well as members of the local dance community. During 2015 the DACH project has been linked up with ongoing research on archives and activism conducted at University College London (UCL), and will be further developed during Astrid von Rosen’s stay as visiting researcher at UCL autumn 2015. The research supported by the new grant for DACH will be conducted during 2016, and will in particular focus on the non-institutional and activist dance history in Gothenburg during the 1980’s, and on testing and devising new methodologies for critical heritage studies.

Picture: Dance as Critical Heritage, ´walkshop’ in October 2013. Photo credit: Linda Sternö