Göteborgs universitet

Mineralization -> mine

ERGO’s research in ore-forming process resulted in the recognition of the economic potential of a titanium-zirconium mineralization in southern Sweden. The project is now managed in a spinoff company called Svenska Sandproukter AB in Joint venture with the Swedish mining company Lovisagruvan AB. The combined multidisciplinary expertise by the member of ERGO is essential to this project.

Geochemical Innovations

Members of ERGO are also passionate about fundamental research e.g. in geochemistry, petrology and mineralogy and this work is carried out in the micro-geochemistry group at the University of Gothenburg led by Dr. Thomas Zack. This world-leading group is responsible for the “beta-decay revolution” where development of analytical protocols and application for in situ Rb-Sr, Re-Os, and K-Ca dating provide new tools for the understanding of the Earth. Innovations generated from blue skies research is developed and commercialized under the ERGO umbrella. ERGO is collaborating with a global mining company on the implementation of in-situ dating in mineral exploration.


Based on experience from mineral exploration, ERGO is working on solutions to reduce time and cost of mineral exploration by developing mobile laboratories to be used in combination with new drilling solutions. The group is right now focusing on realizing analyzes of trace elements e.g. Au, at concentrations down to parts per trillion on-site in remote areas.

Mineral processing

With an expertise in the characterization of geological materials, ERGO is working with partners on implementation of innovative techniques in comminution and beneficiation, e.g. Chalmers Rock Processing Research group and Gravity mining Ltd. The goal is to find the optimal processing solution for each ore deposit, to minimize energy use and environmental impact.  The analytical consultant company Axray scientific AB, a spinoff from ERGO, is working on commercial projects in collaboration the South African mineral processing laboratory Geolabs Ltd

Drone geophysics

Rapid development of drone based geophysical measurements will have a significant impact how geologist work in mineral exploration but also in environmental and infrastructure projects. Testing of instruments and strategies for a range of geological application is the focus of a new research and development project in collaboration with Norconsult