
Konst- och bildvetenskap, visuella kulturer

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Hösttermin 2024 (2024-09-02)

Anderson, Laurie, and Marranca, Bonnie, (2018) “Laurie Anderson: Telling Stories in Virtual Reality”, PAJ (Baltimore, Md.) 40(3) 37-44.

Bassnett, Sarah (2024). “TREVOR PAGLEN’S BORDER ABSTRACTIONS IN THE AGE OF MACHINE VISION”, Photographies17(1–2) 25–42.

Bretherick, Ruth, (2020) “The Urge to Disappear: Janet Cardiff's Audio Walks in London and New York”, *Oxford Art Journal*43(3) 427-43.

Falkenhausen, Susanne von, Beyond the Mirror: Seeing in Art History and Visual Culture Studies (Ed 1), Transcript Verlag, 2020. Open access, e-resurs via UB. 250 s, valda delar.

Flannery, Maura (2021) Herbarium world, 3 texts:

Flannery, Maura C. (2023) “The road to herbaria: Teaching and learning about biology, aesthetics, and the history of botany”, Journal of biosciences, 48(4), p. 58.

Gombrich, E. H., (1972) “Visual Image: Its Place in Communication” The Image & the Eye. Further studies in the psychology of pictorial representation, Phaidon Press 1982, p. 137-161.

Herlitz, Alexandra och Jonathan Westin (2018) “Assembling Arosenius - staging a digital archive”, Museum management and curatorship (1990), 33(5) 447–466.

Kjellmer, Viveka, (2016) “Materializing virtual reality. The performativity of skin, body and

costume in Tobias Bernstrup’s artwork”, Studies in Costume and Performance, Vol.1(2) 151-


Krispinsson, Charlotta, (2012) “The Challenge of the Object”, Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 81(3) 194-200. DOI: 10.1080/00233609.2012.727862

Li, Yueh-Tuan, and Wen-Shu Lai, (2013) “Voice, Object and Listening in the Sound Installations of Laurie Anderson”, International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 9, no. 2, 347-361.

Martinez Luna, Sergio, (2019) “Still Images? Materiality and Mobility in Digital Visual

Culture”, Third Text, 33(1) 43-57. DOI: 10.1080/09528822.2018.1546484.

Mirzoeff, Nicholas, (2009) An Introduction to Visual Culture, 2d Edition, Routledge. 321 s.

Mirzoeff, Nicholas, (2016) How to See the World: An Introduction to Images, from Self

Portraits to Selfies, Maps to Movies, and More, Basic Books, 1-27.

Mitchell, W.J.T (2005) “There are no visual media”, Journal of Visual Culture, 4(2) 257-


Rose, Gillian, ed., (2012) Visuality/materiality. Images, Objects and Practices, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 1-11. (e-bok via UB).

Ross, Christine (2013) “Movement That Matters Historically: Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller's 2012 Alter Bahnhof Video Walk.” Discourse (Berkeley, Calif.) 35(2) 212.

Wagner, Karin. (2020). “Random display and recommendations – exploring the web platform of the artist Ivar Arosenius and other digital collections of art”, Museum & Society, 18 (2) 243–257.

Wolff, Janet, (2012) ”After Cultural Theory: The Power of Images, the Lure of Immediacy”, Journal of Visual Culture, 11(3) 4-19. DOI: 10.1177/1470412911430461.

Zylinska, Joanna (2017). Nonhuman Photography. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. (e-bok via UB), Chapter 1 (p. 13-50) & Chapter 3 (p. 81-103)