Publishing patterns at the University of Gothenburg
Both Henrik Zetterberg, professor of neurochemistry, and Kaj Blennow, professor of clinical neurochemistry, are among the researchers most cited in the world, based on data from the reference and citation database Web of Science.

Publishing patterns at the University of Gothenburg

The University of Gothenburg is characterized by global perspectives and attracts leading researchers from all over the world. This is reflected in the publishing patterns at the University, which are characterized by a wide range of subjects and international collaboration. Here you will find information on how much our researchers publish and co-publish with international researchers.

Sustainability research

The University of Gothenburg conducts prominent research in areas such as environmental issues, energy, antibiotic resistance, transports, aquaculture, and various aspects of human consumption and resource distribution. Environmental research is conducted in a large number of subject areas and data from Web of Science and Gothenburg University Publications (GUP) shows that during the years 2018-2023, researchers from the University of Gothenburg published hundreds of studies per year in the area.

Number of publications
The picture shows that the number of international co-publications in sustainable development.

Number of publications

2018: 816
2019: 901
2020: 900
2021: 1074
2022: 1087
2023: 981

Co-publication with international researchers

Collaboration is part of the university's social responsibility and is based on the task of creating, developing, utilizing, and disseminating knowledge. This is reflected in the number of publications from researchers at the University of Gothenburg that are written in collaboration with international researchers.

The picture shows that the number of international co-publications during the period 2018-2023.

Number of international co-publications.
Based on data from Web of Science that is matched with data from the publication database GUP (most articles in Web of Science are written in English).

Number of international co-publications

2018: 2050
2019: 2180
2020: 2428
2021: 2682
2022: 2670
2023: 2473

Publications per year

The number of publications per year varies greatly between different faculties and depends to a large extent on the size of the faculty. There is also a connection between the number of publications and the publication types used.

The information is taken from the publication database GUP. The number of publications per faculty is shown below. 

Publications per year.
The picture shows that the number of publications per year varies greatly between different faculties. Sahlgrenska Academy is the faculty that published the most during the years 2018–2023 (and also has the largest number of employed researchers).

Forms of publications

The University's mission to disseminate research is reflected in the increased number of publications published with Open Access. Figures from the Web of Science database show that in the last five years, researchers at the University of Gothenburg are publishing an ever greater number of studies with open access.

Forms of publication
The picture shows that the proportion of open access publishing from researchers at the University of Gothenburg has increased during the years 2018–2023.

About publishing patterns at the University of Gothenburg

The information on this page has been produced by the Publishing and Bibliometric Services team at the Gothenburg University Library. The team supplies bibliometric information to decision-makers on various levels at the University of Gothenburg.

More information about bibliometric information at the University of Gothenburg.

Forms of publication

Traditional publication
2018: 1096
2019: 979
2020: 819
2021: 694
2022: 526
2023: 636

Open Access publication
2018: 2442
2019: 2923
2020: 3454
2021: 4020
2022: 4136
2023: 3664

Number of publications with open access 
2018: 67%
2019: 73%
2020: 80%
2021: 84%
2022: 83%
2023: 85%