University of Gothenburg
Forskning i praktisk filosofi
Photo: Monica Havström

Research in Practical Philosophy

Practical philosophy includes all philosophical issues related to human agency, institutions, practices and values – morality and politics are often in focus of practical philosophical inquiry.

Current research primarily regards moral and political philosophy, and philosophy of action and law. Many researchers work on applications, such as bioethics, business and financial ethics, environmental ethics, ethics of technology, and the ethics of psychiatry. But much research also concerns basic topics within normative and metaethics, as well as basic concepts, such as happiness, human agency, practical rationality, and free will and moral responsibility.

Many resarchers in the practical philosophy group collaborate with other research areas, such as economics, history of ideas, law, medicine and health sciences, poltical science, psychology, a.o.

There are also many commissions and consultation activities of practical philosophers with national and regional agencies.

Participation in crossdisciplinary centres at GU

Centre for antibiotic resistance research, CARe
Centre for collective action research, CeCAR
Centre for ethics, law and mental health, CELAM

Major research programmes

Lund Gothenburg Responsibility Project, LGRP
Financial Ethics


The staff group in practical philosophy also engage in many smaller projects and other activities, described more closely at their respective personal web page. Link to staff list and publications