University of Gothenburg

Protein Production Sweden (PPS)

Proteinproduktion Sverige (PPS)

Protein Production Sweden (PPS) is a national research infrastructure focused on providing excellent quality services within the areas protein production and purification for Swedish researchers. PPS works with a large variety of expression systems to allow the production of many different types of proteins and can help out with all the different steps involved in the production.

PPS involves several labs at Swedish universities and has a high scientific competence within the area of protein production, in order to be able to offer expert advice for how the proteins should best be produced for their intended use.

About us

Protein Production Sweden (PPS) is a national infrastructure financed by the Swedish Research Council. The universities that are part of the infrastructure are the University of Gothenburg (host), Lund University, KTH, Umeå University and Karolinska Institute.

Acces our Research Support

If you want to apply for access to use the services of PPS, please fill in the project application form below. You are also welcome to reach out to the contact persons specified for each of our “areas of expertise” to discuss your project.