
Small-house neighbourhoods in times of change

Research project
Active research
Project owner
Department of Cultural Sciences

Short description

The purpose of this study of an old district with small houses is to observe changing living conditions in Gothenburg over a period of 100 years, through inhabitants’ narrations and reflections. From a democratic cultural-heritage perspective, it is important to give different groups in the society the opportunity to tell their memories from homes and neighbourhoods. This case study concerns a district where many working-class families settled down in the beginning of the 20th century, and where generation changes have resulted in different kinds of transformations. The purpose of giving attention to homes in small houses is also to discuss other issues than those generally analyzed in the field of living research with focus on newer suburban blocks of flats.


Title: Nya invånare i gamla villakvarter. I: Konsumtionskultur – innebörder och praktiker. Göteborg: Makadam förlag 2019 s 195-210

Title: Fragment av stadens kulturarv. I: Creating the City – Identity, Memory and Participation. Malmö University Electronic Publishing (MUEP) 2019, s. 112-119


Kerstin Gunnemark, professor in ethnology, University of Gothenburg, project leader

Annika Nordström, director of Institute of Language and Folklore in Gothenburg.