Blue mussel cultivation.
Photo: Erika Sundell

What is the contribution of mussel farming to greenhouse gas emissions?

Research project
Active research
Project size
3 999 996
Project period
2023 - 2026
Project owner
Department of Marine Sciences

Short description

Mussel farming is an important industry for the Blue Economy. Apart from being a key food source, farmed mussels can also be a tool to reduce eutrophication. The anticipated expansion of mussel farming in Sweden and in other countries in Europe makes it particularly important to evaluate its ecological footprint. However, the amount of greenhouse gases reaching the atmosphere from farms has never been quantified systematically.

The project includes collaboration with scientists with expertise in molecular benthic ecology, biogeochemistry and modeling, which will improve our understanding of mussel farming consequences to greenhouse gas release and potential mitigation measures.

Participating researchers

Stefano Bonaglia, Assistant Professor at University of Gothenburg (project leader)

Johanna Stadmark, Researcher at Lund University

Francisco Nascimento, Associate Professor at Stockholm University

Sofia Wikström, Associate Professor at Stockholm University