Göteborgs universitet
Foto: Natalie Greppi

When you are here

Upon arrival in Gothenburg and Sweden, a multitude of considerations and tasks await to ensure a seamless and enjoyable stay. Here, you'll discover essential information guiding you through both necessities and helpful tips

Checklist: things to do when you are here

Swedish Facts

•  Capital: Stockholm

•  10.5 million inhabitants

•  1,572 kilometres from north to south

•  National Day: 6 June

•   Highest mountain: Kebnekaise

•   Biggest lake: Vänern

Foto: Beatrice Törnros/Göteborg & Co

Our collaborating partners

Unimeet Gothenburg

Unimeet Gothenburg creates activities, meeting places and networking opportunities for international students and researchers.

It is a platform enabling international students and staff to truly experience Gothenburg. With social and cultural activities, networking days with the industry as well as an annual welcome evening. 

Unimeet Gothenburg is a collaboration between the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology and the Trade and Industry Group at Göteborg & Co.

Move to Gothenburg – a collaborative initiative

Move to Gothenburg aims to attract and welcome skilled internationals. The initiative is run within the framework of a regional platform comprising stakeholders from the business community, academia as well as city and region. Those who plan to move here can find relevant information on the web portal and those who are already here can get help on site to stay and establish themselves in the region. University of Gothenburg is represented in the Board of Trustees, the Advisory Board as well as in working groups. 

International House Gothenburg

International House offers Open Desk Services regularly and arranges webinars and courses for new internationals. You will find more information about the activities as well as opening hours at the website: 



Foto: Natalie Greppi

Good to know about life in Sweden