
International Master Programme in Educational Research

Avancerad nivå
2 år
120 högskolepoäng (hp)
Ansökan stängd

Kort om programmet

The two-year International Master in Educational Research is based on varied and broad educational research at the Faculty of Education. The programme focuses on education and learning as individual, interactive and collective processes in various settings in society. The International Master in Educational Research will be taught in English, as required by the application criteria.

Om utbildningen

The IMER programme offers theoretical and practical understanding of
educational research. IMER teaching focuses on critical and empirical
analyses of educational institutions, processes, and management. Courses
in educational research methods and topical courses will put you in
contact with research-active academics and their research projects.  You
will develop a scholarly understanding of central themes in
international educational research and you will gain useful experience
in reading, writing, undertaking and reporting on educational research.

You will complete the programme by undertaking a 30hp (higher
education credits) research project of your own choosing and design, on
any topic in education. You will graduate from IMER with a Master degree
in education, with specialisation in educational research.

As an IMER student you will join a small but vibrant international
group of students. No more than 30 new students from around the world
can join the programme each year. The IMER team of academic staff is
itself internationally diverse. While some tutors are Swedish, other
tutors have come to Sweden from Australia, China, England, Ethiopia,
Germany, Poland, or the Netherlands. IMER staff can therefore draw from
diverse international teaching and research experience. Tutors work well
with the students and with each other as colleagues and have a strong
team commitment to the IMER programme.

Behörigheter och urval


Bachelor's degree in Education or equivalent in Social Sciences or Humanities (180 credits). Applicants must also prove their knowledge of English: English 6/English B from Swedish Upper Secondary School or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS.


Selection is based on a motivation letter.

The last day to submit the letter is the 1st of February for applicants in the international application round.

The last day to submit the letter is the 31st of May for applicants in the national application round.

Instructions for motivation letter


Efter studierna

As IMER graduate, you will develop skills in academic reading, academic
writing, and research design which will leave you well prepared to join a
school system, a learning organization, or further academic study. The
programme is suitable preparation for doctoral research in education.

Så är det att plugga


In the very first course you will be introduced to critical inquiry
into educational research as academic discipline. In the second course
you will describe and critically assess one of the research environments
based at the Faculty of Education. In the second semester of the programme’s first year you will be introduced to both qualitative and quantitative research. In year two you will be
encouraged to deepen your knowledge and analytical understanding of a
specific field or topic in educational research. Choosing a good
research topic and writing a good research design is practically
supported through a series of lectures, seminars, and workshops in
academic reading, writing and research design in the autumn term of year
two. The last six months of the study programme involve carrying out
your own educational research and writing it up. You will undertake your
Master degree thesis under the supervision of an experienced


Pedagogen ligger mitt i centrala Göteborg, nära till allt. Undervisning och forskning sker till stor del i tre byggnader: A-huset på Västra Hamngatan 25, B-huset på Läroverksgatan 15 och C-huset på Läroverksgatan 5.  I A-huset hittar du Servicecenter, universitetsbibliotek, studentkårens kansli, studievägledning, International Student Office Pedagogen samt ett café. Även i B-huset finns ett café, men också ett väl tilltaget studentkök med mikrovågsugnar  och kylskåp. I alla husen finns gott om platser för studenter för arbete enskilt eller i grupp.