Goal 8: Decent working conditions and sustainable economic growth.
Photo: Unsplash

Inclusive Green Economy in Practice

This program strengthens national capacity to create an Inclusive Green Economy (IGE), which is one of the prerequisites for achieving Agenda 2030. The program covers all the themes of Agenda 2030, with particular focus on Sustainable Development Goal 8. Decent working conditions and sustainable economic growth. The program is aimed at officials, primarily economists, in government institutions central for IGE.

What we do

The main objective of this program is to strengthen low-income countries' capacity for transformation to an inclusive green economy (IGE). We achieve this through increased knowledge and application of economic and environmental policy instruments, organizational change, and strengthened national systems for inclusive and sustainable economic development.

Our program participants, IGE fellows, get a greater understanding, knowledge and ability to critically review and analyze current economic policies and conditions, and identify opportunities for transformation towards a greener and more inclusive economy. They will be strengthened in their roles as change agents within their organization.

What is IGE?

An inclusive green economy is an economic development that improves human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. (UNEP 2015).

Who we are

This program is led by Environment for Development at the University of Gothenburg in collaboration with a number of strategic partners. It is implemented by a consortium of national IGE Support teams. Feel free to contact anyone on the team for more information.

Ethiopia - IGE Support Team

The flag of Ethiopia

Kenya - IGE Support team

The flag of Kenya

Rwanda - IGE Support team

The flag of Rwanda

Tanzania - IGE Support team

The flag of Tanzania

Uganda - IGE Support team

The flag of Uganda

Program Management - University of Gothenburg

The flag of Sweden

Organizing Institutions

University of Gothenburg

The lead organization for this program is the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD) at the University of Gothenburg,.

Environment for Development Initiative

Environment for Development Initiative (EfD) has promoted academic capacity development in environmental economics during the last 15 years in the Global South. It has built a solid critical mass of green economy researchers and policy advisors that participate in this program. The national partners in the respective countries are EfD's centers in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, and in Rwanda, the local partner is the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MINECOFIN) in collaboration with EfD South Africa.

Partner Organizations

Other collaborating partner organizations contribute with expertise throughout the program. These are, among others: Policy Studies Institute, Ethiopia; Makerere University, Uganda; Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN); Rwanda; University of Nairobi, Kenya; University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; World Resources Institute-Africa; African Development Institute (ADI), African Development Bank; Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University; Swedish Environmental Protection Agency; and Swedish Tax Authority.

Publications from the IGE-program

Policy instruments for an inclusive green economy - Lessons learned from the East Africa region (pdf)
Lessons learned from a joint cross-country workshop in the East Africa Region

The Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) in Practice program is a capacity development program to increase the knowledge and application of environmental economic policy instruments, organizational change, and strengthen national systems for inclusive and sustainable economic development.

The program is financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and is implemented by the University of Gothenburg via Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development (GMV) and the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD) in collaboration with EfD centers and partners in the five East African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

The joint efforts during a workshop on 23 – 24 November 2021, on sharing experiences of strategies and policy instruments for an inclusive and green economy, brought civil servants and academics into the same kitchen, discussing recipes for policy mixes that lead us towards an inclusive green economy.

This report summarizes what they shared and learned during the workshop.
Green Economy Reform – social inclusion and policy instrument support (pdf)
Briefing Highlights
– Analyzing policy attitudes is important for understanding environmental policy feasibility.
– Pure self-interest is not sufficient to explain people’s policy positions. There are other factors that are also important for policy attitude formation.
– Policy packaging, earmarking and revenue recycling can potentially change people’s policy positions.
Green Economy Learning - A Resource Guide (pdf)
The number of organizations working on training and education on green economy is increasing each year, however, the efforts and initiatives are not always coordinated and sometimes hard to find. To address this we´ve gathered key actors in a resource guide open for anyone to use.