
Michelle Waldispühl

Senior Lecturer

Department of Languages and Literatures
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41256 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Michelle Waldispühl


  • Senior lecturer/associate professor, German linguistics and language acquisition, GU (2015-)
  • Earlier employed as a lecturer and researcher at the universities of Zurich and Bern and the universities of teacher education in Zug and Zurich (Switzerland)

PhD in German linguistics, University of Zurich (2013); Habilitation in German linguistics and language acquisition, University of Gothenburg (2019); Diploma in Primary Education, teacher-training college Luzern (2000)

Research interests

  • Historical sociolinguistics
  • Multilingualism and language contact
  • Grapholinguistics
  • Deutsch als Fremdsprache, second/foreign language acquisition
  • Onomastics
  • Runology
  • Historical cryptology

I initiated and coordinate the seminar series Writing and Society and the Language in Society research area at the Department of Languages and Literatures.

Ongoing research

Earlier projects

  • Promoting Learner Autonomy in Higher Education, 2012-2014, PI, University of Teacher Education Zug in collaboration with SEEU Tetovo, North Macedonia, project funded by the foundation éducation 21, Education for Sustainable Development
  • Techniken und Praktiken mittelalterlicher kontinentalgermanischer Schriftlichkeit, 2005-2011, PI: Prof. Dr. Elvira Glaser and Prof. Dr. Ludwig Rübekeil, NCCR Mediality, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, University of Zurich
  • Sprachland. Lehrmittel für die Mittelstufe, 2007–2009, PI: Elsbeth Büchel and Ursina Gloor, University of Teacher Education Zurich


I have taught university courses at undergraduate, Master’s and PhD level (subjects: German, Scandinavian and English linguistics, medieval studies, language teaching and education, cultural studies ) and also have experience as a primary school teacher. At the University of Gothenburg, I teach undergraduate and Master’s courses, both on campus and online, in linguistics, language skills and language acquisition, and supervise students within the programme for German studies and the teacher training programme (German as a foreign language).

Teaching projects

  • Historisk sociolingvistik, interdisciplinary national MA course (co-PI)
  • Multilingualism and Diversity, connected learning community at EUTOPIA European University (member)