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Alumni Design Lecture 2024

Culture and languages

HDK-Valand will proudly host its first Alumni Design Lecture with the renowned designer and artist Åsa Jungnelius.

4 Sep 2024
17:15 - 19:00
Vasaparken, Göteborg

This event offers a unique opportunity to hear Åsa talk about her work and career, while also connecting with fellow graduates from HDK-Valand’s design program at the University of Gothenburg. The lecture will take place at the historic Vasaparken university building and will be hosted by professor Onkar Kular. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to mingle and enjoy some refreshments.

Don’t miss out on the chance to meet Design Alumni and hear the inspiring Åsa Jungnelius. There will be limited places.
Sign up by this following link
Please note that this event is only possible to register for if you are a former student from one of HDK-Valand's design programmes

The event is generously sponsored by Göteborgs slöjdförening.