Photo: Grafiskt profil av: Ida Brattmo

Careers conference: on carreer paths after an artistic education

Culture and languages

Welcome to Careers Conference – a day for students, alumni, and creative practitioners. The conference will offer you inspiration for and examples of different career paths you can pursue after your education.

22 Feb 2024
09:00 - 17:00
Långedsverken, Dals Långed

Mötesplats Steneby
Västra Götalandsregionen
Bengtsfors kommun

Welcome to the Careers Conference at Steneby in Dals Långed. Parts of the programme is available online.

Students at HDK-Valand only need to register for participation in the online presentations or in the Hackaton.

Alumni presentations

At the conference you can listen to presentations from alumni students from Steneby and other craft and artistic educations. Their career paths might have taken them to unexpected places. The themes of the presentations are sustainability, project and event management, and research. You can listen to the presentations online. Link is received when registered.

Explore, connect and shape your future in Dalsland

You can also visit the fair where you find local and national businesses, projects, initiatives and organisations. Here you can talk and ask questions that would be useful for you future endeavours.

Hackaton: Hack the beaten track!

And why not join in for some practical problem solving! We offer two 2h Hackathon sessions where you get to try your knowledge and creativity together with others.

At the Careers Conference you can listen, ask, and try – what might be your upcoming career!

Programme and registration

Note that you need to register. Link above.
The deadline for pre-registration for on-site participation is 18 February.
For hackathon and digital participation, the deadline for registration is 21 February.

Full programme Careers Conference (Mötesplats Steneby)