Make your own passport
Photo: Per Larsson

Make Your Own Passport

Culture and languages
Popular science
Society and economy

Researchers are seeking insights from the public. Make a ‘passport’ and discuss global issues.


Good to know
This workshop is conducted in both English and Swedish.
University of Gothenburg

In this workshop researchers will guide you to make your own ‘passport’ or ‘travel document’ while engaging you in conversations around global issues like citizenship, statelessness, migration, and borders. The ‘passport’ you make will be yours to take home as a reminder of your contribution to these conversations. 

Your thoughts and insights will inform THINGSTIGATE research project from the University of Gothenburg, funded by the European Research Council, which investigates how aesthetic objects mediate socio-political change. 

This workshop is conducted in both English and Swedish.

Facilitators and researchers you will meet
Centre on Global Migration, University of Gothenburg
Claudio McConnell, Support Group Network
Catherine Gillo Nilsson, EUTOPIA, University of Gothenburg
Marta Segura Hudson, doctoral student, Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg
Sally Windsor, senior lecturer, Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional Studies, University of Gothenburg

Alice Johansson, programme CoordinatorCentre on Global Migration, University of Gothenburg
​​​​​​​Tintin Wulia, researcher, Centrum för Global Migration and HDK -Högskolan för design och konsthantverk, Göteborgs universitet
Isabel Lima, Postdoctor, HDK-Valand - Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg
Kelly Chan, Postdoctor, HDK-Valand - Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg

Read more about the project