At a light blue background, three drawn hands are visible. The hands are in different colours, green, red and blue and togheter they form a spectrum of colours where they meet.

Photo Exhibition on Rare Diseases

Health and medicine

In connection with Rare Disease Day, which occurs on 29 February, you can visit the photo exhibition Project Minea at the Biomedical Library.

26 Feb 2024 - 1 Mar 2024
Biomedical Library, 5th Floor

Gothenburg University Library and Centrum för sällsynta diagnoser Väst

About the exhibition

At the photo exhibition, you can view portraits of seven children with different diagnoses. The exhibition is part of Project Minea, which is a photography project by photographer Julia Staf.

Seven years ago she photographed the same children and has now taken new pictures to show how they look today. The aim is to make children with rare diagnoses visible.