a golden frame

What’s in a frame? The semantics of multimodal objects

Culture and languages

Guest lecture by Professor Tiago Timponi Torrent. All interested are welcome to this lecture, organized by the Linguistic Forum!

22 Nov 2022
15:15 - 17:00
Room J336, Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6

Professor Tiago Timponi Torrent, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brasilien
Good to know
Seminar language: English
The Linguistic Forum, Faculty of Humanities


The term frame is a polysemous one since its debut in Linguistics. Frames have been associated to case structures (Fillmore, 1968) situational grounding (Goffman, 1974) and scenes against which lexical meaning can be defined (Fillmore, 1977). Such a network of related meanings for the word frame has been recently increased by the multimodal turn in language studies. The word frame may also refer to each static image making up a video sequence. In this talk, I explore the connections between the several senses associated to the word frame. From the point of view of Frame Semantics and FrameNet, I will discuss the implications of, first, adopting such a perspective for analyzing multimodal objects—that is, text where communicative modes other than verbal language play a key role—and, second, of embracing multimodality in FrameNet analysis.



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The Linguistic Forum is an informal meeting place for all linguists working or studying at the Faculty of Humanities. The Forum is a new faculty-wide seminar series that has financial support from the Faculty. Our aim is to promote the sharing of knowledge and collaborations between the Faculty’s linguists.