
Meet the recipients of the Prince Bertil Scholarship


The Prince Bertil Scholarship aims to fund studies, internships and Bachelor and Master theses that relate to international markets. Here are this year's recipients of the scholarship worth SEK 25 000 each!

Portrait of Tilde Persson
Tilde Persson

Tilde Persson

What are you studying? 

I have just finished my Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics and I am planning on pursuing a master's in Finance when I get back from San Francisco. 

How are you planning on using your scholarship?   

This scholarship is helping me to finance my one-year internship at the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco & Silicon Valley. It allows me to expand my professional network, gain new experience, and work in one of the world’s most transformative technology ecosystems. 

How does it feel to be awarded the scholarship?   

It feels amazing to be awarded the scholarship as it contributes to making the best out of my journey in the US. I am so honored to be awarded the scholarship and grateful for the generosity of the Prince Bertil Foundation. 

 What would you like to work with in the future?

I have a passion for industrial and financial management as well as a passion for companies, especially industries, that are working hard towards the green transition. With that in mind, I would like to work with finance and investment in a transformative business with a main goal of preserving nature and the environment.


Portrait of Anders
Anders Wiman Eriksson

Anders Wiman Eriksson

What are you studying? 

The Bachelor's programme in Business and Economics, majoring in Business Administration and Accounting. 

How are you planning on using your scholarship?   

The scholarship will be used to help fund my one-year internship at the Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce, in Washington D.C., where I am working with Business Development & Member Services. 

How does it feel to be awarded the scholarship?   

Receiving this scholarship is a true honor and a privilege. It allows me to pursue my dreams of working abroad and gain unique international experience. I believe that the connections and relationships that I acquire at the Chambers of Commerce will be beneficial for the rest of my career. 

What would you like to work with in the future?  

In the future, I would like to pursue a career within the field of business, particularly accounting and financial management in an international context. 


Portrait of Agis Cevi
Agis Cevi

Agis Cevi

What are you studying?

I'm studying for a Master's in Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship.

 How are you planning on using your scholarship?

I will use this scholarship to conduct research, collect data and an internship to support my master's thesis that will be conducted in SKF Indonesia.

 How does it feel to be awarded the scholarship?

It's truly an honor and a moment of immense gratitude to be awarded this scholarship. It's not just financial support. it represents a recognition of my dedication and potential in pursuing my academic and career goals. Receiving this scholarship has given me a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. I feel incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to further my studies and engage in research, especially with the prospects of contributing to knowledge-based entrepreneurship in a practical way. This scholarship not only eases the financial burden but also serves as a validation of my commitment to academic excellence and my future aspirations.

What would you like to work with in the future?

In the future, I aim to work in an international brand and marketing setting, and I have a strong desire to establish my own company. It's a path that allows me to explore creativity, connect with diverse audiences, and make a meaningful impact through entrepreneurship.


Porträtt på Mimmi Bergström

Mimmi Bergström

I would first like to thank the committee for awarding me the prestigious Prince Bertil Scholarship for Sharing Knowledge and Experience about International Markets!  

What are you studying? 

I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Economics, and am currently enrolled in the course "Practice internship in Economics” while interning at the Consulate General of Sweden in Mumbai.  

How are you planning on using your scholarship?   

The scholarship will be used to finance travel expenses, living expenses, and accommodation here in India. 

How does it feel to be awarded the scholarship?   

I feel extremely honored and grateful to receive the Prince Bertil Scholarship! It both recognises my previous accomplishments and further promotes personal growth, global perspectives, and bilateral relations. India is a highly interesting country right now and my time here is allowing me to learn more about myself and the surrounding world in a way that simply would not be possible from home. Thank you! 

What would you like to work with in the future? 

My goal is to work internationally with economics, sustainability and development. Let’s let the future determine where this will be.


Picture of Axel Olausson
Axel Olausson
Photo: Privat

Axel Olausson

What are you studying? 

A Bachelor's degree in Financial Economics.

How are you planning on using your scholarship?   

London tends to run expensive so I will probably use it to strengthen my budget as much as I can. However, I will also use part of it to travel around the country to get the most out of my international experience.

How does it feel to be awarded the scholarship?   

It feels amazing! It is both an honor and a privilege to be receiving this scholarship. 

What would you like to work with in the future?  

I would like to work on the more quantitative side of finance, especially in areas surrounding interest rate risk mitigation. 

Portrait of Ebba
Ebba Nyström

Ebba Nyström

 What are you studying? 

I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in business administration, focusing on corporate sustainability. 

How are you planning on using your scholarship?   

I currently live in London where I am working for the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the UK. My scholarship will mainly be used to cover living expenses, but also to explore the wonderful city of London. I live in central London with two of my co-workers and the scholarship will help me to pay the majority of my rental costs. 

How does it feel to be awarded the scholarship?   

I am very honored to be awarded the Prince Bertil Scholarship and happy to be provided with some financial support during my time in the UK. The scholarship is an important element in making my experience the best possible, hence enabling me to strengthen the bilateral business agreement between Sweden and the UK. 

What would you like to work with in the future?  

My ambition is to work within business administration, helping international companies to adapt their traditional business strategies to become more sustainable in all parts of the value chain. After my time at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the UK, my interest in management has become more apparent and is something that I believe will be an important aspect for me when I start searching for a new position later on. We are working with many Swedish and British leaders on a daily basis and this has made me realize the importance of developing valuable leadership skills.

Rebecka Bergand

What are you studying?

I am studying the Social Science- Environmental Scientist Programme (SMIL) at the School. I am currently on my fifth semester for my bachelor’s degree where I decided to participate in the Social Science Environmental Practice during the whole semester, parallelly I am studying distance courses in Energy Efficiency Transition at the University of Halmstad. I am doing my internship at the Swedish Embassy in Abu Dhabi, mainly in the field of politics, promotion, and sustainability related to the 28th UN climate-conference.

How are you planning on using your scholarship?

The scholarship will be used to cover parts of the living expenses during the internship in Abu Dhabi.

How does it feel to be awarded the scholarship?

I feel very honored to be one of the students to be awarded the Prince Bertil Scholarship. I put a lot of effort into the interesting and rewarding experience that I can participate in thanks to the internship at the Embassy. I have had an interest in diplomacy, global cooperation, and multilateral and bilateral relations for many years, therefore I consider it worth the sacrifices, in exchange for the meaningful and extraordinary experience and knowledge I am gaining. This experience is a great benefit for both my personal general education and for future opportunities. Despite my consideration that the exchange is balanced between sacrifices and experiences, I am very thankful for receiving this appreciated scholarship, it gives me even more motivation to perform.

 What would you like to work with in the future?

I am open to what is ahead of me, and I trust that the path I am taking is the right direction for me, therefore I do not want to plan exactly where I aim to end up, since I think it would give me tunnel vision, that might close some very rewarding opportunities. At least I know that I want to perform work that is positively affecting on a global scale, where I can feel that what I am doing is meaningful and serves a greater purpose. Areas that I consider highly prioritized are human and environmental well-being, including sustainability, global security, equality, human rights, health, and everything essential for a worthy life for people in all parts of the world. If I have the possibility to work with and fight for any of these, or similar challenges, I would be very proud and thankful for being able to support any kind of progress development.