
Logic in Computer Science

Master’s level
7.5 credits (ECTS)


Powerful tools for verifying software and hardware systems have been developed. These tools rely in a crucial way on logical techniques.
This course provides a sound basis in logic and a short introduction to some logical frameworks used in modelling, specifying and verifying computer systems. A sound basic knowledge in logic is a welcome prerequisite for courses in program verification, formal methods and artificial intelligence.
The course covers propositional and predicate calculus, and model-checking.
More concretely, the course gives a thorough introduction to fundamental notions of logic such as natural deduction, semantics of both propositional and predicate calculus,soundness and completeness, conjunctive normal forms, Horn clauses, undecidability and expressiveness of predicate logic, plus an introduction to model checking: Linear-time temporal logic (LTL) and Branching-time temporal logic (CTL).

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

To be eligible for the course, students must have successfully completed courses corresponding to 105 hec within the subject Computer Science or Mathematics. Including 7.5 hec in discrete mathematics (for example DIT980 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists or the sub-course Introductory Algebra of MMG200 Mathematics 1). Applicants must prove knowledge of English: English 6/English B or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS.