
Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Master’s level
15 credits (ECTS)


This course will give you insight into internal processes that regulate plants as well as about methods in plant biotechnology that are used to increase our knowledge within the field.


Molecular biology and biotechnology have revealed many new details about the basic cellular mechanisms that govern plant growth and development, as well as their responses to stresses. The course aims to provide theoretical and practical insights into modern plant cell and molecular biology, and plant biotechnology. Also included will be lectures, seminars and literature discussions by invited experts. The extensive experimental part will cover a broad spectrum of techniques relevant to advanced plant research and biotechnology, as well as include different genetic model organisms.


The course consists of lectures, laboratory work, group discussion and individual written and oral assignments. 

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

University studies of a minimum of 60 credits in Biology and Molecular Biology/Cellbiology and at least 30 credits in Chemistry. Applicants must prove their knowledge of English: English 6/English B from Swedish Upper Secondary School or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS.

After graduation


The teaching is mainly conducted at the Natrium building (Medicinaregatan 7B).