
Demokratiers prestation (PERDEM)

Avslutad forskning
2014 - 2019
Statsvetenskapliga institutionen

Kort beskrivning

PERDEM - “The Performance of Democracies" var ett stort forskningsprojekt inom QoG-institutet. Projektet finansierades av ett så kallat "Advanced Research Grant" från Europeiska forskningsrådet som utlysts till professor Bo Rothstein. Det huvudsakliga syftet med projektet är att analysera sambandet mellan hur demokratier är organiserade och hur de väl de presterar när det gäller att generera mänsklig välfärd, motverka korruption och hantera offentliga finanser. Projektet startade 2014 och pågår i fem år.


Vetenskapliga artiklar


Daniel Naurin, Elin Naurin, Amy Alexander (2019). “Gender Stereotyping and Chivalry in International Negotiations: A Survey Experiment in the Council of the European Union”. International Organization. 73(2):469-488.

Frida Boräng, Simon Felgendreher, Niklas Harring, Åsa Löfgren (2019). ”Committing to the Climate: A Global Study of Accountable Climate Targets”. Sustainability. 11(7):1861.

Michelle D’Arcy, Marina Nistotskaya (2019). “Intensified local grievances, enduring national control: the politics of land in the 2017 Kenyan elections”. Journal of Eastern African Studies. 13(2):294-312.

Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron (2019). “The EU as a savior and a saint? Corruption and public support for redistribution”. Journal of European Public Policy. Published online February 2019.

Nicholas Charron, Victor Lapuente, Paola Annoni (2019). “Measuring quality of government in EU regions across space and time”. Papers in Regional Science. Published online April 2019.

Paola Annoni, Nicholas Charron (2019). “Measurement Assessment in Cross-Country Comparative Analysis: Rasch Modelling on a Measure of Institutional Quality”. Social Indicators Research. 141(1):31-60.


Amy C. Alexander, Sara Parhizkari (2018). ”A multilevel study of gender egalitarian values across Muslim-majority provinces: the role of women and urban spaces”. International Review of Sociology. 49(7): 474-491

Bo Rothstein (2018). “Fighting Systemic Corruption: The Indirect Strategy”. Daedalus. 147(3). 35-49.

Evert Van de Vliert, Christian Welzel , Andrey Shcherbak , Ronald Fischer , Amy C. Alexander (2018). “Got Milk? How Freedoms Evolved From Dairying Climates”. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 49(7): 1048-1065.

Frida Boräng, Agnes Cornell, Marcia Grimes, Christian Schuster (2018) “Cooking the books: Bureaucratic politicization and policy knowledge”. Governance. 31(1):7-26.

Michelle D’Arcy, Marina Nistotskaya (2018). “The early modern origins of contemporary European tax outcomes”. European Journal of Political Research. 57(1):47-67.

Monika Bauhr , Nicholas Charron (2018). “Insider or Outsider? Grand Corruption and Electoral Accountability”. Comparative Political Studies. 51(4):415-446.

Monika Bauhr , Nicholas Charron (2018). ”Why support International redistribution? Corruption and public support for aid in the eurozone”. European Politics. 19(2):233-254.

Monika Bauhr, Nicholas Charron, Lena Wängnerud (2018). ”Exclusion or interests? Why females in elected office reduce petty and grand corruption”. Published online July 2018.


Frida Boräng, Marina Nistotskaya, Georgios Xezonakis (2017). ”The quality of government determinants of support for democracy”. Journal of Public Affairs. 17(1-2):e1643.

Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes (2017). “Transparency to curb corruption? Concepts, measures and empirical merit”. Crime, Law and Social Change. 68(4):431-458.

Nicholas Charron (2017). “Diverging cohesion? Globalization, state capacity and regional inequalities within and across European countries”. European Urban and Regional Studies. 23(3):355-373.

Nicholas Charron, Carl Dahlström, Mihaly Fazekas, Victor Lapuente (2017). “Careers, Connections and Corruption Risks: Investigating the Impact of Bureaucratic Meritocracy on Public Procurement Process”. Journal of Politics. 79(1):89-104.

Sören Holmberg, Bo Rothstein (2017). ”Trusting other people”. Journal of Public Affairs. 17(1-2): e1645


Amy C. Alexander, Ronald Inglehart, Christian Welzel (2016). “Emancipating Sexuality: Breakthroughs into a Bulwark of Tradition”. Social Indicators Research. 129(2):909-935.

Eric M. Uslaner, Bo Rothstein (2016). “The Historical Roots of Corruption: State Building, Economic Inequality, and Mass Education”. Comparative Politics. 48(2): 227-248.

Frida Boräng, Sverker C. Jagers, Marina Povitkina (2016). “Political Determinants of electricity provision in small island developing states”. Energy Policy. 98: 725-734.

Georgios Xezonakis, Spiros Kosmidis, Stefan Dahlberg (2016). ”Can electors combat corruption? Institutional arrangements and citizen behavior”. European Journal of Political Research. 55 (1): 3-14.

Lawrence Ezrow, Georgios Xezonakis (2016). “Satisfaction with democracy and voter turnout”. Party Politics. 22(1):3-14.

Michelle D’Arcy, Marina Nistotskaya (2016). “State First, Then Democracy: Using Cadastral Records to Explain Governmental Performance in Public Goods Provision”. Governance. Published online May 2016.

Nicholas Charron (2016). "Explaining the allocation of regional Structural Funds: The Conditional effect of governance and self-rule”. European Union Politics. 17(4):638-659.

Nicholas Charron, Andreas Bågenholm (2016). “Ideology, party systems and corruption voting in European democracies”. Electoral Studies. 41:35-49.

Nicholas Charron, Bo Rothstein (2016). “Does education lead to higher generalized trust? The importance of quality of government”. International Journal of Educational Development 50: 59-73.


Helene Ahlborg, Frida Boräng, Sverker C. Jagers, Patrik Söderholm (2015). ”Provision of electricity to African households: The importance of democracy and institutional quality”. Energy Policy, 87:125-135.

Jan Teorell, Bo Rothstein (2015). “Getting to Sweden, Part I: War and Malfeasance, 1720-1850”. Scandinavian Political Studies. 38(3):217-237.

Michelle D’Arcy, Marina Nistotskaya, Robert Ellis (2015). “State Building, Democracy and taxation: Why Ireland will never be Sweden”. University of Tokyo Journal of Law and Politics. 12: 110-123.



D’Arcy, Michelle & Marina Nistotskaya (2019). The Irish Tax State and Historical Legacies: Slowly Converging Capacity, Persistent Unwillingness to Pay in Taxation, Politics, and Protest in Ireland, 1662–2016. Charm: Springer International Publishing.


Alexander, Amy C. & Andreas Bågenholm (2018). Does Gender Matter? Female Politicians’ Engagement in Anti-Corruption Efforts in Gender and Corruption. Springer International Publishing.

Amy. C. Alexander (2018). The Historical Roots of Quality of Government: Gender Equality in the Household in Gender and Corruption. Springer International Publishing.

Charron, Nicholas & Bo Rothstein (2018). Regions of Trust and Distrust: How Good Institutions Can Foster Social Cohesion in Bridging the Prosperity Gap in the EU. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Grimes, Marcia & Lena Wängnerud (2018). Gender and Corruption in Mexico: Building a Theory of Conditioned Causality in Gender and Corruption.

Nistotskaya, Marina & Helena Stensöta (2018). Is women’s political representation beneficial to women’s interests in autocracies? Theory and evidence from post-Soviet Russia in Gender and Corruption. Springer International Publishing.

Nistotskaya, Marina & Michelle D'Arcy (2018). Getting to Sweden: The Origins of High Tax Compliance in the Swedish Tax State in The Leap of Faith: The Fiscal Foundations of Successful Government in Europe and America.

Rothstein, Bo (2018). Corruption, Gender Equality and Meritocracy in Gender and Corruption. Charm: Springer International Publishing.


Alexander, Amy C. & Hilde Coffé (2017). Women’s Political Empowerment through Public Opinion Research: The Citizen Perspective in Measuring Women’s Political Empowerment across the Globe.

Alexander, Amy C. (2017). Micro-Perspectives on the Gender/Corruption Link: Gender, Gender Egalitarian Values and Public Opinion on Honest Elections in Corruption and Norms: Why Informal Rules Matter.

Grimes, Marcia (2017). Procedural fairness and political trust in Handbook on Political Trust. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Rothstein, Bo & Aiysha Varraich (2017). Making Sense of Corruption. Cambridge University Press.

Rothstein, Bo (2017). The Relevance of Comparative Politics in Comparative Politics, 4th edition.


Charron, Nicholas (2016). Quality of government, regional autonomy and Cohesion policy allocations to EU regions in Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Patrikios, Stratos & Georgios Xezonakis (2016). Globalization, Religiosity, and Vote Choice in Globalization and Domestic Politics. Oxford University Press.

Vowles, Jack & Georgios Xezonakis (2016). Conclusion in Globalization and Domestic Politics. Oxford University Press.

Vowles, Jack & Georgios Xezonakis (2016). Globalization and Domestic Politics: Parties, Elections, and Public Opinion in Globalization and Domestic Politics. Oxford University Press.

Vowles, Jack & Georgios Xezonakis (2016). Globalization, Positional and Valence Politics, and the Global Financial Crisis in Globalization and Domestic Politics. Oxford University Press.

Vowles, Jack & Georgios Xezonakis (2016). Introduction in Globalization and Domestic Politics. Oxford University Press.


Bågenholm, Andreas & Nicholas Charron (2015). Anti-Corruption Parties and Good Government in Elites, Institutions and the Quality of Government. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Xezonakis, Georgios, Spyros Kosmidis & Stefan Dahlberg (2015). “Can Elections Combat Corruption? Accountability and Partisanship” in Elites, Institutions and the Quality of Government. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Working papers


Monika Bauhr & Ruth CarlitzTransparency and the Quality of Local Public Service Provision: Street-Level Discretion in Education, Health and Infrastructure (QoG Working Paper Serie, issue 2019:5).


Nicholas Charron & Victor Lapuente: Quality of Government in EU Regions: Spatial and Temporal Patterns (QoG Working Paper Serie, issue 2018:1).


Bo Rothstein & Nicholas SorakEthical Codes for the Public Administration. A Comparative Survey (QoG Working Paper Serie, issue 2017:12).


Carl Dahlström, Marina Nistotskaya & Maria TyrbergIs the quality of the outsourced public services contingent on the quality of bureaucracy? (QoG Working Paper Serie, issue 2016:10).

Michelle D´Arcy & Marina Nistotskaya: The Early Modern Origins of Contemporary European Tax Systems (QoG Working Paper Serie, issue 2016:6).


Marina Nistotskaya, Anna Khakhunova & Carl DahlströmExpert Survey on the Quality of Government in Russia’s Regions: A Report (QoG Working Paper Serie, issue 2015:16).



Frida Boräng & Anna Persson: Democratic Failure from the Bottom-Up: Distorted Fiscal Contracts and the Demand for Clientelism in Developing Democracies. (Presented at the ASA, Washington, December 1-3, 2016).

Frida Boräng & Helene AhlborgPowering institutions - credibility, enforcement and legitimacy. (Presented at the the Quality of Government conference, Nice, January 2016).

Marina Nistotskaya & Anna Khakhunova: Varieties of Governance (Bureaucracy, Market and Networks) and the Socio-Economic Development of Russia’s Regions. (Presented at the 24th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Poznan, July 2016).

Marina Nistotskaya & Michelle D'Arcy: State First, Then Democracy: Using Cadastral Records to Explain Governmental Performance in Public Goods Provision. (Presented at the Development Research Conference 2016, Stockholm, August 2016).

Marina Nistotskaya: Why effects of Outsourcing are Contingent on Bureaucratic Quality: Evidence from Swedish Municipalities. (Presented at the Quality of Government internal conference, Nice, January 2016).


Boräng, Frida, Agnes Cornell, Marcia Grimes& Christian Schuster: Bureaucratic Politicization and Politicized Knowledge: Implications for the functioning of democracy. (Presented at the Quality of Government and Performance of Democracies conference, May 2015).

Frida Boräng & Marcia Grimes: How Political Institutions (Mis) shape Citizens' Expectations of Democracy. (Presented at the the Quality of Government conference, Malaga, January 2015).

Frida Boräng, Agnes Cornell & Marcia Grimes: Bureaucratic politicization and politicized knowledge: Implications for the functioning of democracy. (Presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions Warsaw, 30 March-2 April 2015)

Frida Boräng, Marina Nistotskaya & Georgios Xezonakis: The Quality of Government Determinants of Regime Support. (Presented at the University of Gothenburg and Stellenbosch University World Values Survey workshop, Gothenburg August 12-13 2015).

Marina Nistotskaya, Tania Gosselin & Victor Lapuente: Media and Corruption: We Need to Talk about Television. (Presented at the Annual Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research in Montreal, Quebec, August 26-29, 2015)

Marina Nistotskaya: Quality of Government in Russia’s Regions: Evidence from the QoG Expert Survey (Presented at the Uppsala Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Uppsala, November 3, 2015).

Marina Nistotskaya: State Capacity, Democracy and Public Goods Provision. (Presented at the 2nd WINIR conference, Rio de Janeiro, 10-12 September 2015).

Marina Nistotskaya: The Early Modern Origins of Contemporary Tax Systems. (Presented at the ECPR Joins Sessions Workshop “The New Politics of Taxation” Warsaw, March-April 2015).