
Elisabeth Rietz


Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande
Läroverksgatan 15
41120 Göteborg
Box 300
40530 Göteborg


Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande
Läroverksgatan 15
41120 Göteborg
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

Om Elisabeth Rietz

In March 2012 I became a PhD student at the Linneus Centre for Research on Learning, Interaction, and Mediated Communication in Contemporary Society (LinCS). I have a Degree of Master of Science (60 credits) in Mathematics Education. The main focus concerned how girls and boys solve arithmetic tasks by using cognitive, bodily and external strategies and the similarities and differences between girls and boys. My research interest is in the area of learning, especially in mathematics among younger children in preschool and primary school, what it is that creates the condition and difficulties for learning, and how ICT (information and communications technology) can support learning in mathematics. I also have an interest in the interaction in the classroom and the comprehension and the learning that is created in this interaction.

Previously I worked in the project CoDAC (Conditions and tools for Development of Arithmetic Competences). This project focuses children´s development in number sense. Now am I working in the project FlexitMath, which is a continuation of the former project CoDAC. In the projects we have developed an app, Fingu, aimed at children (4-8 years old) (http://ipkl.gu.se/english/Research/research_projects/codac/fingu). In spring of 2014 to the fall of 2015 I also worked in a school development project in Mölndal.

My thesis focuses if and how digital technology can support 5-7 years old children´s flexible arithmetic competence. I have a special interest in children that are low-attaining in arithmetic and how mathematics is embodied. How arithmetical abilities are acquired, or not acquired, are of importance, not just to the individual but also to the organization of formal education and how to support the children that fail to acquire the abilities. The growing use of digital media in education will promote new effects and challenges of learning in general and mathematics in particular. Therefore, it is important to study what digital games brings to learning.

Networks ◾LinCS ◾MUL (Nya Media, Undervisning och Lärande) ◾ULLMON (temaverksamhet för utbildning, undervisning och lärande i matematik och NO)


Conference papers

Barendregt, W., Lindström, B., Rietz Leppänen, E., Holgersson, I. & Ottosson, T. (2012).Development and Evaluation of Fingu: A Mathematics iPad Game Using Multi-touch Interaction, Proceedings of IDC 2012, June 12–15, 2012, Bremen, Germany, 2012

Barendregt, W., Karlsson, N., Lindström, B., Rietz, E., Holgersson, I. & Ottosson, T. (2013). Lessons from the Evaluation of Game for Developing Number Sense, Conference: Chi 2013 Workshop.

Paper: Lindström, B., Holgersson, I., Barendregt, W., Rietz, E. & Ottosson, T. (2016). Fingu- A Game-Based Learning Environment for Development of Flexible Arithmetic Competence, SITE 2016- Savannah, GA, United States, March 21-26, 2016.


Holgersson, I., Barendregt, W., Rietz, E., Ottosson, T. & Lindström, B. (2016). Can children Enhance Their Arithmetic Competence by Plyaing a Specially Designed Computer Game?, in Lindenskov, L. (eds.)(2016) Special Needs in Mathematics Education, CURSIV no.18, 2016.


Holgersson, I., Barendregt, W., Emanuelsson, J., Ottosson, T., Rietz, E. & Lindström, B. (2016). Fingu- A Game to Support Children´s Development of Arithmetic Competence: Theory, Design and Empirical Research, in Moyer-Packenham, P.S. (eds)(2016). International Perspective on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Manipulatives.