Publications Martime Encounters
The list will be updated!
Artursson, Magnus, Niclas Björck, and Karl-Fredrik Lindberg. 2023. “Seal Hunters, Fishermen and Sea-voyagers: Late Middle Neolithic (2600-2400 cal BC) Maritime Hunter-Gatherers in the Baltic Sea Archipelago at Tråsättra, Sweden.” Journal of Neolithic Archaeology, 25: 89–147. DOI:10.12766/jna.2023.4.
Artursson, Magnus, and Knut I. Austvoll. forthcoming. “Building Tradition, Settlements and Economy in the Nordic Bronze Age.” In The Oxford Handbook of Scandinavian Archaeology, edited by Lotte Hedeager, Kristian Kristiansen, and Christopher Prescott.
Austvoll, Knut I. forthcoming. “Longhouses and Economy in Northwest Scandinavia.” In The Oxford Handbook of Scandinavian Archaeology, edited by Lotte Hedeager, Kristian Kristiansen, and Christopher Prescott.
Austvoll, Knut I. forthcoming. “Metals and Transformations in Northwest Scandinavia.” In The Oxford Handbook of Scandinavian Archaeology, edited by Lotte Hedeager, Kristian Kristiansen, and Christopher Prescott.
Bunbury, Magdalena M. E., Knut I. Austvoll, Erlend K. Jørgensen, Svein V. Nielsen, Jutta Kneisel, and Mara Weinelt. 2023. “Understanding climate resilience in Scandinavia during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age.” Quaternary Science Reviews, 322: 108391. DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108391.
Bengtsson, B., Artursson, M. & J. Wehlin 2024: Evidence of Large Vessels and Sail in Bronze Age Scandinavia’ Norwegian Archaeological Review, 57(1), 59–84.
Bengtsson, B. in press. “Using direct and indirect evidence of boats and boatbuilding for understanding the nature of seafaring in Atlantic Europe c. 5000–500 BC.” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Bengtsson, B., Montenegro, A., Green, A., Tomasini, M., Prince, M., Wåhlstrand Skärström, V., Austvoll, K. I., Ling, J & C. Lindhé, forthcoming. Seafaring and navigation in the Nordic Bronze Age. Comparing direct open water crossings with sheltered coastal routes using an ocean voyage simulation tool.
Burlot, Aurélien. in press. “Chalcolithic and Bronze Age Atlantic connections c. 2500–800 BC.” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Chacon, Richard, David Dye, Brian Hayden, Johan Ling, and Yamilette Chacon. in press. “The origins of secret societies and their contribution to the rise of social complexity.” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Cunliffe, Barry. in press. “Hengistbury Head, Dorset: Excavations of the Iron Age and Roman Harbour and adjacent areas, 1984-7.” Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 144: 137–77.
Cunliffe, Barry. in press ”Romans facing the Atlantic: A perspective” in The Roman Atlantic: Dynamics of an Ocean Frontier
Cunliffe, Barry. 2023. Facing the Sea of Sand: The Sahara and the Peoples of Northern Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cunliffe, Barry. in press. Driven by the Monsoons: Through the Indian Ocean and the Seas of China. Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press.
Díaz-Guardamino, Marta, Johan Ling, John Koch, Bettina Schulz Paulsson, Christian Horn, and Jonas Paulsson. 2022. “The local appropriation of warrior ideals in Late Bronze Age Europe: A review of the rock art site of Arroyo Tamujoso 8 and the ‘warrior’ stela of Cancho Roano (Badajoz, Spain).” Trabajos de Prehistoria, 79 2: 329–45. DOI:10.3989/tp.2022.12302.
Horn, Christian. 2021. “Trouble in paradise? Violent Conflict in Funnel-Beaker Societies.” Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 40 1: 43–64. DOI:10.1111/ojoa.12212.
Horn, Christian. 2023. “Die feinen Unterschiede: Tradition und Innovation im Waffendesign der nordischen Frühbronzezeit.” In Soziale Hierarchien zwischen Tradition und Innovation in der Bronzezeit Europas, edited by Ken Massy, Jan-Heinrich Bunnefeld, and Christian Horn, 37–48. Langenweißbach: Beier & Beran.
Fauvelle, Mikael, Christian Horn, Jacob Alvå, and Magnus Artursson. 2024. “Skin Boats in Scandinavia? Evaluating the Maritime Technologies of the Neolithic Pitted Ware Culture.” Journal of Maritime Archaeology, online first: 1–27. DOI:10.1007/s11457-024-09408-4.
Fauvelle, Mikael, and Johan Ling. in press. “Larger boats, longer voyages and powerful leaders: Comparing Maritime Modes of Production in Scandinavia and California.” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Horn, Christian. 2023. “Versteinerte Hierarchien.” In Soziale Hierarchien zwischen Tradition und Innovation in der Bronzezeit Europas, edited by Ken Massy, Jan-Heinrich Bunnefeld, and Christian Horn, 155–173. Langenweißbach: Beier & Beran.
Hunt Ortiz, M. A., Ling, J. (2023) Minería y metalurgia en el Bronce Final y en Tarteso. In S. Celestino Pérez, E. Rodríguez González (eds.), Evolución e innovación. Tarteso. Nuevas Fonteras (Serie Mytra 12: I). Instituto Arqueología Mérida, 275-292
Hunt-Ortiz, M.A., Latorre-Ruiz,J., de Dios-Pérez,M.A., Vázquez-Paz,J., Artursson,M., Grueso-Montero, M., Díaz-Guardamino, M., Zofia Stos-Gale, Z. and Ling, J. In press. Late Bronze Age copper mining in Southern Iberia: preliminary results of the archaeological research in Las Minillas (Granja de Torrehermosa, Badajoz, Spain) In: Koch, J., Fauvelle, M., Cunliffe, B. and Ling, J (Eds), Maritime Encounters 1: Presenting counterpoints to the dominate terrestrial narrative of European prehistory. Oxbow books.
Horn, Christian. 2023. “Warriors as a Challenge: Violence, Rock Art, and the Preservation of Social Cohesion During the Nordic Bronze Age.” European Journal of Archaeology, 26 1: 57–80. DOI:10.1017/eaa.2022.26.
Horn, Christian. 2024. “Water and the Afterlife: Water-related Resources in the Burial Construction of the Nordic Bronze Age.” Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, online first: 1–21. DOI:10.1017/ppr.2024.4.
Horn, Christian, Knut I. Austvoll, Johan Ling and Magnus Artursson. In press. Nordic Bronze Age economies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Horn, Christian, and Sebastian Schultrich. in press. “A millennium of war: Violent encounters during the 4th and 3rd millennia BC in the Western Baltic Sea.” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Horn, Christian, and Johan Ling. forthcoming. “The Nordic Bronze Age.” In The Oxford Handbook of Scandinavian Archaeology, edited by Lotte Hedeager, Kristian Kristiansen, and Christopher Prescott.
Hunt-Ortiz, Mark, Juan Latorre-Ruiz, Miguel Ángel de Dios-Pérez, Jacobo Vázquez-Paz, Magnus Artursson, Manuel Grueso-Montero, Marta Díaz-Guardamino, Zofia A. Stos-Gale, and Johan Ling. in press. “Late Bronze Age copper mining in southern Iberia: Preliminary results of fieldwork at Las Minillas (Granja de Torrehermosa, Badajoz, Spain).” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Hunt Ortiz, Mark and Johan Ling. in press ”Contextualización de la minería y metalurgia del cobre en el Suroeste Ibérico durante la Edad del Bronce Final” in Continuidades y Rupturas en la Edad del Bronce del Suroeste Ibérico. Universidad de Sevilla.
Hunt-Ortiz, Mark, and Johan Ling. 2023. “Minería y Metalurgia en el Bronce Final y en Tarteso: Evolución e Innovación.” In Tarteso: Nuevas fronteras, edited by Sebastián Celestino Pérez, and Esther Rodríguez González, 275–292. Mérida: Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida.
Koch, John T. in press. “Convergence in situ: The formation of the Indo-European branches and the Bronze-Iron Transition.” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Koch, John T. in press. “Cross-disciplinary considerations: ‘hedge’, ‘hull’, ‘fool’ and the triumph of linguistic palaeontology.” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Lindhé, Cecilia. in press. “Maritime memoria: Navigating through Bronze Age rock art.” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Ling, Johan, Marta Díaz-Guardamino, John Koch, Christian Horn, Zofia Stos-Gale. 2024 Bronze Age Rock Art in Iberia and Scandinavia: Words, Warriors and Long-distance Metal Trade. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Ling, Johan, Mikael Fauvelle, Knut I. Austvoll, Boel Bengtsson, Linn Nordvall, and Christian Horn. 2024. “Where are the missing boatyards? Steaming pits as boat building sites in the Nordic Bronze Age.” Praehistorische Zeitschrift, online first. DOI:10.1515/pz-2024-2005.
Ling, J., Grandin, L., Hjärthner-Holdar, E., et al. (2023). "Moving Metals V: Shared Copper Sources between Scandinavia and Hungary, 1700–1500 BC." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 51, 104–198.
Ling, Johan. in press. “The Maritime Mode of Production in relation to self-sufficiency, reciprocity, comparative advantages.” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Ling, Johan & Anne Lene Melheim. forthcoming. “The Scandinavians' role in the European copper networks “ In The Oxford Handbook of Scandinavian Archaeology, edited by Lotte Hedeager, Kristian Kristiansen, and Christopher Prescott.
Ling, Johan., Kristian, Kristiansen., Karin Frei. forthcoming. ”Bronze Age connections between Scandinavia, Central Europe and the Mediterranean World”. In The Oxford Handbook of Scandinavian Archaeology, edited by Lotte Hedeager, Kristian Kristiansen, and Christopher Prescott.
Ling, Johan, Christian Horn, and Kristian Kristiansen. forthcoming. “Social organization, war, slavery, trade and the outside world.” In The Oxford Handbook of Scandinavian Archaeology, edited by Lotte Hedeager, Kristian Kristiansen, and Christopher Prescott.
Lund, Julie, Martin Furholt, and Knut I. Austvoll. 2022. “Reassessing power in the archaeological discourse: How collective, cooperative and affective perspectives may impact our understanding of social relations and organization in prehistory.” Archaeological dialogues, 29 1: 33–50. DOI:10.1017/S1380203822000162.
Massy, Ken, Jan-Heinrich Bunnefeld, and Christian Horn, eds. 2023. Soziale Hierarchien zwischen Tradition und Innovation in der Bronzezeit Europas. Langenweißbach: Beier & Beran.
Nielsen, Svein V., Anja Mansrud, Knut I. Austvoll, Sean Denham, Inger M. Berg-Hansen, Per Persson, Anders Romundset, and Lisbeth Prøsch-Danielsen. 2023. “Hunting, fishing, gardening: Re-evaluating Middle Neolithic mobility and cultural diversity on the Norwegian Skagerrak coast.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 51: 104139. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104139.
Nowak, K., Stolarczyk, T., Stos-Gale, Z., Baron, J., Derkowska, K., Derkowski, P., Miazga, B., Woodhead, J., Karasiński, J. and Maas, R. 2023. Question of local exploitation of copper ore deposits in the Urnfield time in Poland. Frontiers in Earth Sciences. 11:1184949. doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1184949.
Nowak, K., Tarbay, J.G., Stos-Gale, Z.A., Derkowski , P., Sielicka, K. 2023. A complex case of trade in metals: The origin of copper used for artefacts found in one hoard from a Late Bronze Age Lusatian Urnfield Culture in Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science: reports. 49. 103970.
Stos-Gale, Zofia A., and Johan Ling. in press. “Archaeology and science: Impact of lead isotope analyses on the archaeological discourse of metal trade for the Scandinavian and British communities in the 3rd–1st millennia BC.” In Presenting Counterpoints to the Dominant Terrestrial Narrative of European Prehistory, edited by John T. Koch, Mikael Fauvelle, Barry Cunliffe, and Johan Ling.
Vander Linden, Marc. 2024. The Bell Beaker Phenomenon in Europe: A harmony of difference. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fauvelle, M., & Montenegro, A. (2024). Do stormy seas lead to better boats? Exploring the origins of the southern Californian plank canoe through ocean voyage modeling. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 1-21.
Koch, John T. forthcoming. ‘Prehistoric gene flow into Britain and Ireland and the language(s) ancestral to Brythonic and Goidelic’, Studia Celto-Slavica 13.
Koch, John T. 2024. ‘The Arrival or Emergence of Celtic in the Iberian Peninsula in the Light of Recent Discoveries’, Filosofia da Cultura Celta, edited by Celeste Natário, Joaquim Pinto, Luísa Borges e Renato Epifânio, 150–79. Porto: Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto & DG Edições.
Koch, John T. 2024. ‘Celto-Germanic and North-West Indo-European vocabulary Resonances in myth and rock art iconography’, Indo-European Interfaces, edited by Jenny Larsson, Thomas Olander, and Anders Richardt Jørgensen, 195–216. Stockholm: University of Stockholm Press.
Koch, John T., & Johan Ling. 2023. ‘“From the Ends of the Earth”: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Long-Distance contact in Bronze Age Atlantic Europe’, The Indo-European Puzzle Revisited: Integrating Archaeology, Genetics, and Linguistics, edited by Kristian Kristiansen, Guus Kroonen, & Eske Willerslev, 157–71. Cambridge: CUP.
Seersholm, F. V., Sjögren, K.-G., Koelman, J., Blank, M., Svensson, E. M., Staring, J., Fraser, M., Pinotti, T., McColl, H., Gaunitz, C., Ruiz-Bedoya, T., Granehäll, L., Villegas-Ramirez, B., Fischer, A., Price, T. D., Allentoft, M. E., Iversen, A. K. N., Axelsson, T., Ahlström, T., … Sikora, M. (2024). Repeated plague infections across six generations of Neolithic Farmers. Nature, 632(8023), 114–121.