Göteborgs universitet

Staff at Skogaryd

Here you find information about our staff.

David Allbrand, Technician

+46 31 7862817
Responsible for the daily management of the station. Also responsible for the stream and lake sampling program at the station.

Josefina Carlberg, Laboratory assistant

+46 31786 6517
Laboratory assistant working with the water sample preparation, water analysis, biomass determinations, and gas analysis on gas chromatographs.

Leif Klemedtsson,  Senior Researcher


Aila Schachinger, Laboratory assistant

+46 31 7861905
Laboratory assistant working with the water sample preparation, water analysis, biomass determinations, and gas analysis on gas chromatographs.

Tobias Rütting,  Station Manager

+4631-786 18 74

Per Weslien, ICOS PrincipalInvestigator (PIfor Mycklemossen), research engineer

+46 31 7862878
Responsible for ICOS work at the station and for all other gas flux instrumentations (micrometeorological as well as automatic chamber systems). He is well experienced in most logger, senor system and is further our specialist on different laser instruments.