Göteborgs universitet

Automation using CD7

With CD7 you can create fully automated imaging. Start by scanning large tissue sections or each well of a multi-well plate, and let the microscope automatically zoom in on specific events which are found by image analysis during scanning.

The CD7 includes many different tools and modules for automating microscopy workflows including acquisition, image analysis and image processing tasks.

When loading the sample the carrier is automatically detected and calibratied. There are advanced tiling and positioning options and several autofocus strategies, including Definite Focus, software autofocus and support points. The Experiment Designer allows you to set up imaging using blocks with different aquisition parameters. 

In addition, for even more advanced automation, the ZEN Blue has a concept called the Open Application Development (OAD), which includes several different automation tools where also external software can be used for scripting,  processing and analysis.

Open Application Development (OAD)

The advanced ZEN Blue automation tools, including the image processing and analysis tools, are combined inside a concept called the Open Application Development (OAD). These are the Guided Acquisition module and the Experiment feedback module, which is also known as conditional or adaptive experiments.

Guided Acquisition

Using the Guided Acquisition module you can create a more advanced automated workflow than with the Experiment Designer. Here you start by acquiring overview images, then detect relevant objects by image analysis and finally re-image these objects, e.g. with higher magnification, Z-stacks, FRAP etc.

Experiment Feedback

Experiment Feedback allows you to define specific rules and actions to be performed during the acquisition of an experiment. It uses Python scripts to access the current system status, results from Online Image Analysis during the experiment and to modify running experiments.