
Public Defence: Nick Aikens, Artistic Practice (Fine Art)

Culture and languages

The dissertation "Rewinding Internationalism: An Exhibitionary Inquiry into the Political Imaginary," conducted by the doctoral candidate Nick Aikens, explores the interplay between exhibition production, investigative processes, and the political. Welcome to the public defense on December 8!

8 Dec 2023
13:00 - 17:00
HDK-Valand, X-Library, Vasagatan 50

HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design

Grounded in the candidate's curatorial practice, the project investigates how exhibitions can serve as both a space for artistic expression and political reflection. Balancing the ontological-epistemological and operational aspects, the dissertation contributes to the discourse on the relationship between exhibitions, inquiries, and the political in the art world since the 1990s. Illustrated through the execution of the "Rewinding Internationalism" exhibition, it highlights the role of exhibition production as a site for investigation and political engagement.


Rewinding Internationalism: An Exhibitionary Inquiry into the Political Imaginary’ investigates the relationship between exhibition making, processes of inquiry and the political. The project originates from, and takes place through, my own practice as a curator and aims to articulate how this relationship can be understood as mutually generative. It focuses on the affordances of exhibition making, its operations and processes; its spatial, formal and experiential possibilities. As these affordances, it is proposed, can both facilitate inquiry and engage the political, this project seeks to contribute to the relatively limited existing discourse in this area.

The broad terrain that these three related frameworks (exhibition, inquiry and the political) demarcate can be loosely understood as a discourse on the curatorial that has emerged since the 1990s in a globalised art system of exhibitions, institutions and biennials. The principal contours of these debates include early claims on the political through the epistemological processes of the curatorial as distinct from the ‘practical tasks’ of exhibition making, the devel- opment of the ‘research exhibition’ as genre, through to recent experiments in exhibition making that overtly resist representing ideology. Recently a renewed focus on the exhibition through both discursive registers and specific practices has broadly distinguished between the ‘onto-epistemological’ claims made for exhibition in more generalised terms from the detailed discussion of exhibition’s practical ‘field of operations’.

This project takes account of, and sits within, the context of these discussions and practices. It identifies an imbalance within the discourse whereby an overemphasis on the onto-epistemological does not take account of the numerous fields of operations of exhi- bition making: its strategies of analysis as well as its specific spatial, scenographic and experiential conditions. The central contribution of this project to the field lies in a proposed rebalancing of these two registers – the onto-epistemological and operational – when con-sidering the relationship between exhibitions, processes of inquiry and the political. Through detailing an unfolding practice (specifi-cally the realisation of the travelling museum exhibition Rewinding Internationalism) the project proposes a complex interaction between them, foregrounding how exhibition making enacts and instantiates a process of inquiry while engaging the political.

About Nick Aikens
Nick Aikens is a curator, researcher, writer, editor and teacher. He is currently the Managing Editor and Research Responsible for L’Internationale Online, the research and publishing platform for L’Internationale the European federation of museums, universities and arts organisations. HDK-Valand is a partner of the federation and hosts L’Internationale Online.

Sarah Pierce, artist-researcher, senior lecturer, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland

Examining/grading committee: 
Carolina Rito, Professor of Creative Practice Research, CAMC, Coventry University, UK

Bassam El Baroni, associate professor in curating and mediating art at the Department of Art and Media, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University, Finland

Jyoti Mistry, professor in film, HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg

Chair of the defence:
Dr Niclas Östlind, HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg

Download the thesis here

The public defense will be conducted in English.