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Se när undervattensrobotarna testas på Kristineberg

Maritime robots tested at Kristineberg


In June, the Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre tested the latest robot technology at Kristineberg. With the help of underwater robots, researchers can collect environmental data, investigate inaccessible places or inspect aquaculture.

During two demonstration weeks in June, the Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre (SMaRC) visited Kristineberg marine research station to perform tests with underwater robots in the sea around the station. Among other things, the team demonstrated how a robot autonomously can inspect algae farms and then return with collected data. A function that is important for cultivation in the sea on a larger scale.

– We want to do this because we live in a fossil based society. We want to turn it into a more sustainable society, a bio-based society. In order to do that we need a lot of biomass. We have forests and agriculture on land, but we also need to look at the sea and use and cultivate the areas of the sea.

The underwater robots can also be used to collect environmental data and investigate places that are inaccessible to humans. See more in the video above.

Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre

A national cross-disciplinary industrial research centre for maritime robotics. The main task is to perform research on, and demonstrate, solutions that can contribute to the transition to autonomous intelligent underwater systems.

The University of Gothenburg is an academic partner in the centre alongside KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University.