
Gender and career in the academia

Research project
Inactive research
Project period
2009 - 2011
Project owner
The Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg

The Swedish Research Council

Short description

This project is a collaboration between the faculty of Education in Göteborg and Umeå university.

Project Presentation

The study takes as a starting point the proposed changes of contemporary gender relations within the academia; suggesting on the one hand that traditional masculinities are losing ground as growing numbers of women position themselves in research, and on the other hand that present pressures from a performative culture strengthen structures working to the disadvantage of women. The study builds on theories and previous research that emphasise the need to study the gendered nature of institutional life and its implications for the positions of various groups. It sets out to research how groups are positioned and position themselves in contexts with various gender regimes. To achieve this, the study explores relations and positions in educational departments by focussing on research groups and doctoral programmes, as well as the experiences and views of doctoral students and junior researchers. These groups are chosen for interviews because they are in the process of establishing themselves within the research community, and thus assumed to be well suited for reflecting on power/gender relations in universities. The researched departments are chosen to include different subjects within education sciences, different research traditions and different extent of externally funded research.


Project members


Research Programme

KRIT - Chritical Theories