
Elisabet Öhrn


Department of Education and Special Education
Visiting address
Västra Hamngatan 25
41117 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Elisabet Öhrn

Research interests My general academic interest is in Sociology of Education, with focus on power processes, place, and gendered and classed relations at different levels of education. This includes studies of sub/urban and rural schooling, the importance of local context for relations in school, patterns of segregation, and young people's understandings of power and how they would act to create change. These issues are also central to the research group, KRIT (Critical Theories), which I am part of.

Previous research projects include 'Young people as political actors' (funded by the Swedish council for working life and social research), 'Identities and gender in everyday schooling' (funded by the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement), 'Active citizenship? On democratic education in upper secondary school', 'Gender and career in the academia' and 'Achievements and gender. On teaching, youth groups and local conditions' (funded by the Swedish Research Council), and 'Rural youth. Education, place and participation' (the Swedish Research Council). The latter is presently followed up by a new four-year project 'Education and integration of newly arrived migrants in rural areas' (the Swedish Research Council), that I am leading from 2019.

Research groups and projects Centre of Excellence “Justice through education in the Nordic countries Gender and career in academia Achievement and gender Power and Agency in Education Rural youth. Education, place and participation