
Social work in change: Organization, professionalization and knowledge formation

Research group
Active research
Project owner
Department of Social Work

Pågående och avslutade projekt finansierade av bland andra Vetenskapsrådet, Forte, Vinnova, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, EU, AFA m. fl.

Short description

Since its inception in 2004, the research group has brought together around 40 researchers and doctoral students, most of whom are active at the Department of Social Work but also at other departments at the University of Gothenburg and other higher education institutions. The group is a common platform for monitoring and conducting research issues based on changes within, or with relevance to, social work in public, non-profit or private settings, but also for human treatment organizations and professions in general. In various constellations, and with funding from, among others, Forte, the Swedish Research Council and the Riksbank's Jubilee Fund, the group's researchers conduct projects on e.g. underlying driving forces and causes of these changes, but also consequences for users, professionals, managers and other actors.