University of Gothenburg
Photo of Gothenburg harbour

Fees and Registration

Find information about conference fees and registration.


Registration for ISS2024 is closed.


The ISS2024 conference fee includes the conference event, Sunday mingle, lunch Monday and Tuesday, coffee and Swedish "fika", and the Schumpeter Prize dinner. We acknowledge and thank our sponsors for their support.




Regular conference fee
All conference participants, except category below

8th April 2024


Reduced conference fee (50% of regular conference fee)
PhD students selected for the Early Career Scholar Workshop and Poster Session
For PhD Students to get the discount, you must register through the link you recevied in your acceptance letter.

8th April 2024



Late registration fee
All conference participants

30th May 2024


Please note!

  1. No refunds will be made.
  2. The fees are stated in SEK including Swedish VAT. Please note that all delegates are required to pay Swedish VAT on the registration fee (25%), social events (25%) and hotel (12%). Swedish tax legislation requires delegates to pay their conference fee including Swedish VAT, which may be reimbursed according to specific regulations. If you are from a country in the EU area, please search for refund of VAT at your tax office, in your home country. For questions regarding VAT-refund, please contact Swedish tax office at e-mail:

Upon registration and payment of the conference fees, the scholar will be asked to confirm that they agree that their name and information can be published in connection with ISS2024, following the terms and conditions of the University of Gothenburg.


We wish to acknowledge the gracious support and to thank all our sponsors for ISS2024:

  • Bromanska stiftelsen för forskning och företagande
  • Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse; Tore Browaldhs Stiftelse (Fh23-0054)
  • Gothenburg U-GOT KIES centre
  • Handelshögskolans Partnerskapets Internationaliseringsstöd (GU 2023/2229)
  • Vetenskapsrådet Rådsprofessorprogrammet (McKelvey, VR DNR 2017–03360)