
Animal law and Jurisprudence: EU Law and beyond

Samhälle & ekonomi

The Swedish Network for European Legal Studies (SNELS) and the University of Gothenburg are proud to invite you to a workshop 31 January - 1 February 2025.

31 jan 2025 - 1 feb 2025

Keynote speakers: Professor Hans Lindahl (Tilburg University, the Netherlands) and Professor Maneesha Deckha (University of Victoria, Canada).
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The workshop will be held in English.

The conference explores the question of animal rights in the context of EU and transnational theory, reflecting on the relationship between animal rights and the EU’s sustainability agenda and on the role of the EU in securing sufficient animal protection in the Member States. Other questions that will be discussed concern, among other things, critical perspectives, agency, and co-agency between human animals and non-
human animals in the EU and beyond.

Coming from a variety of perspectives the conference brings
together EU regulation on animals with constitutional law, jurisprudence, international law, and more. What role is there for the EU – EU law and law more broadly – in mediating relations between human animals and non-human animals? What can and should lawyers claim in the name of animals, and towards what ends? How does the question of the animal sit within an ecology of contemporary jurisprudential thought: as part of “the
environment” or as a subject in its own right? How do EU law and scholarship address (illegal) trade, profiteering, and global value chains relying on animal lives as a resource? These are some of the questions we look forward to discussing together during the conference.

More information and registration