
Cultivating Futures: The Political and Spiritual Imperatives of Cultural Education through Gardening

Hållbarhet & miljö
Kultur & språk
Naturvetenskap & IT

Jonsered seminar at Gothenburg Botanical Garden! In an era with environmental and social challenges - how can cultural education transcend traditional boundaries to incorporate the political and spiritual dimensions of gardening and growing? How can we reimagine our relationship with nature, traditional parks and the engagement with the natural world?

13 sep 2024
09:00 - 14:00
Botaniska – Gothenburg Botanical Garden, lokal Roten
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Meeting place: "Roten". In the middle of the garden along the main road on the right side, opposite the restaurant. About 5 minutes from the entrance.
Lunch included.
After the seminar 16.00 – 18.00: Public programme with outdoor lectures during a walk in Gothenburg Botanical Garden. See separate programme. With picnic in the garden.
Jonsereds herrgård i samverkan med One by Walking, Göteborgs Botaniska trädgård, EXPBIO, Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap.

In an era where the environmental and social challenges of our time demand innovative and holistic approaches, cultural education must transcend traditional boundaries to incorporate the political and spiritual dimensions of gardening and growing. As we reimagine our relationship with nature, it is imperative to question the relevance of traditional parks, which often distance us from genuine engagement with the natural world.

How can the act of gardening and growing serve as radical political resistance, fostering community resilience and promoting ecological stewardship? By transforming urban spaces into community gardens and edible landscapes, it is possible to challenge the conventional concept of parks, creating environments that invite active participation rather than passive consumption. How can we imagine a radical rethinking of green spaces, and how can we integrate cultural education with the principles of gardening to cultivate a future where the political, spiritual, psychological and practical benefits of growing are recognized as essential?

Rikard Wingård permaculture designer, lecturer in literary studies at Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion at the University of Gothenburg.

Katarina Saltzman ethnologist and landscape researcher, Senior Lecturer at Department of Conservation at the University of Gothenburg.

Simon Poole Associate Professor of Cultural Education at the University of Chester, UK.

Helen Ekvall educator and EXPBIO project coordinator, Gothenburg Botanical Garden, phd student at Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Gothenburg.

Camilla Brudin Borg Senior Lecturer in literary studies, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion at the University of Gothenburg. Convener of the One by Walking network.


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Connecting programme

This seminar is part of a programme series in conjunction with Simon Poole's visit at the University of Gothenburg. Read more about the other events: 

More information

About One by Walking
One by Walking is a network for collaboration, discussion, and experimentation within the area of research methodologies concerned with walking and experimental scientific and art-based work related to walking methodologies. The members of this network come from across various fields of the performing arts, pedagogy, social science, and humanities, each with a documented interest in the connections between bodies, landscapes, perception, sustainability, movement, walking and methodological innovation. The network was founded in 2020  by support from Swedish Riksbanken’s Jubileumsfond and  NOS-HS (Nord Forsk). One by walking brings various disciplines together, we arrange workshops and do joint publications. The guiding principle behind the network is that interventions in artistic performance can collaborate with scientific researchers working on methodologies of movement. Our researchers are searching for new ways of working with sustainability, landscape management, art, and pedagogy.