
Introduktionsseminarium: "Circumscribing the genus Hymenogaster Vittad. (Agaricales, Basidiomycota)"

Naturvetenskap & IT

Introduktionsseminarium med doktorand Tobias Jansson, Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap

19 sep 2024
12:15 - 13:00
"Vinden", Natrium, Medicinaregatan 7B
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Institutionen för biologi och miljövetenskap

Fokus för Tobias doktorandprojekt är taxonomin inom tryffelsläktet Hymenogaster, se abstract nedan. Tobias huvudhandledare är Henrik Nilsson med Ellen Larsson (BioEnv ) och Mikael Jeppson (extern) som bihandledare och Bengt Oxelman som examinator.


Hymenogaster is a genus of truffle-forming mycorrhizal fungi. While the genus is known to exist in Sweden, our knowledge of its taxonomy, ecology and distribution is limited. First described by Carlo Vittadini in 1831, Hymenogaster has since suffered from chaotic taxonomy, systematics, and nomenclature. Combining molecular and morphological data, the aim is to circumscribe and stabilize the genus, resolvning the infra-generic phylogeny and species delimitation. New specimens will be collected from Sweden, and old material studied in European herbaria. Designations of neo- and epitypes will be explored to relieve the poor typification status of the genus. In addition, metabarcoding data from soil samples will be used to put each Hymenogaster findin its ecologial context by capturing the fungal community around fruiting bodies.