Kamran Behnia (CNRS & ESPCI, Paris)
The normal liquid 3He conforms to Landau’s Fermi liquid picture, but only at very low temperature (<20 mK). We have recently shown that its thermal conductivity [1] can be accounted for in the whole temperature range (0.01 K-3 K), by assuming that it is the sum of two contributions: one by quasi-particles (varying as the inverse of temperature) and another by a hydrodynamic sound mode (following the square root of temperature) [2]. The first component has been known for decades. The second is a collective [sound] mode [3] with a ~2kF wave-vector in the hydrodynamic limit. Our expression for it, derived from Landauer’s formula, is a quantum version of the Bridgman equation for thermal conductivity of classical liquids. The quadratic electrical resistivity of Fermi liquids offers its own puzzles [4]. The deviation from this behavior in strongly correlated Fermi liquids well below the Fermi temperature may be accounted for by the presence of such a collective mode.
[1] D. S. Greywall, Phys. Rev. B 29, 4933 (1984).
[2] K. Behnia & K. Trachenko, Nature Commun. 15, 1771 (2024).
[3] F. Albergamo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 205301 (2007).
[4] X. Lin, B. Fauqué & K . Behnia, Science 349, 6251 (2015).
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