
Seminarium om teoretisk fysik - Jeff Maki

Naturvetenskap & IT

Detta är en del av seminarieserien för studenter och forskare som är intresserade av teoretisk fysik och tillämpad matematik. Jeff Maki (University of Konstanz) håller i ett seminarium med titeln "p-wave Fermi Gases in Confined Geometries: the dimensional crossover and orbital dependent interactions".

15 nov 2024
11:00 - 12:00
von Bahr, Soliden 1 och via zoom

p-wave Fermi Gases in Confined Geometries: the dimensional crossover and orbital dependent interactions


Low-dimensional ultracold gases are created in the laboratory by confining three-dimensional (3D) gases inside highly anisotropic trapping potentials. Such trap geometries not only provide access to simulating one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) physics, but also can be used to study how the system crosses over towards a 3D system in the limit of weak confinement. In this talk, I show that when one considers harmonically confined spin-polarized Fermi gases with anisotropic p-wave interactions, a new orbital dependent isotropic s-wave interaction can emerge.  These s-wave interactions are important for describing the dimensional crossover, as can be exemplified by looking at radio-frequency spectroscopy. I show that these novel s-wave interactions leave unique signatures on the radio-frequency transfer rate which have been observed in actual experiments. 

Seminariet hålls i hybridform

Det går både att delta i seminariet på plats eller via Zoom.

Plats: Von Bahr, Soliden 1
Zoom-länk: https://gu-se.zoom.us/j/64681043702

Läs mer om seminarieserien

Seminarium om teoretisk fysik