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Seminarium om teoretisk fysik – Raimund Feifel

Naturvetenskap & IT

Detta är en del av seminarieserien för studenter och forskare som är intresserade av teoretisk fysik och tillämpad matematik. Raimund Feifel, professor vid institutionen för fysik, håller i ett seminarium med titeln "Multiple Electron Emission".

24 feb 2022
15:15 - 16:15
PJ-salen, Institutionen för fysik, Kemigården 1, Göteborg och digitalt via Zoom.
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Raimund Feifel: Multiple Electron Emission


Despite the extraordinary circumstances which we are living in since about two years, we managed to establish at the University of Gothenburg a brand-new high power laser facility called Attohallen which got inaugurated by our vice-chancellor on October 26, 2021. I will start off by giving an overview of what our current research activities on electron-correlation in atomic and molecular species are about, to set the stage for describing what we aim to achieve in first place at Attohallen and how we will do that. I will also give examples for what else might come up at this facility in the not-too-distant future, which is open for external users, in hope of inspiring and attracting many more ideas as well as stimulating mutual and fruitful collaborative efforts of experiment and theory.  

Seminariet hålls i hybridform

Det går både att delta i seminariet på plats eller via Zoom.

Plats: PJ-salen, Institutionen för fysik, Kemigården 1, Göteborg

Läs mer om seminarieserien

Seminarium om teoretisk fysik