

Kultur & språk

Temadag om hur digitala och traditionella metoder kan samspela i utforskandet av historiska data.

23 maj 2024
09:00 - 16:30
Humanisten, rum J236

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Maila Jonas Ingvarsson, jonas.ingvarsson@lir.gu.se, för abstrakt.
Forskningsprojektet Kritikens nya ordning i samarbete med Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion samt Göteborgs Universitet.


Mark Algee-Hewitt, Stanford University

Judith Brottrager, Technische Universität Darmstadt

Antske Fokkens, Vrieje Unvierstiet Amsterdam

Chris Haffenden, KB-labb Stockholm

Martina Hjertman, Göteborgs stadsmuseum och GU

Aram Karimi, GRIDH

Peter Leonard, Stanford University

Eivind Røssaak, Norska nationalbiblioteket

Anton Törnberg, Sociologi och arbetsvetenskap, GU

Ted Underwood, University of Illinois


09.00–09.15 Välkommen
09.15–09.45 Mark Algee-Hewitt: Embedded Ideas: The Limits of Conceptual Failure in theLong Eighteenth-Century
09.45–10.15 Judith Brottrager: Unlocking the Archive: Exploring Literary History through Word Embeddings


10.30–11.00 Antske Fokkens: Large Language Models in the Digital Humanities
11.00–11.30 Chris Haffenden: Seeing Things New? Multimodal AI and the Research Possibilities of Image Search
11.30–12.00 Martina Hjertman: Newspaper Archaeology, or the Unveiling of Invisibilised Actors, Discursive Representations, and Social Practices in the Long 18th Century 

12.00–13.30 LUNCH

13.30–14.00 Aram Karimi: Between the Arduous and the Automatic: A Comparative Approach to Transparency in the Classification of Book Reviews in Swedish Newspapers
14.00–14.30 Peter Leonard: Bias as a Virtue: On LLMs and historic corpora
14.30–15.00 Eivind Røssaak: Divagation: Experiments with Epistemic Objects


15.00–15.30 Anton Törnberg: Large Language Models for Qualitative Text Analysis: An AI-augmented discourse analysis of the transition in Swedish migration politics
15.30–16.30 Ted Underwood: Combining Social and Textual Evidence to Understand Literary Change


Läs mer om forskningsprojektet Kritikens nya ordning