The Voice of the Organ - Music and Meaning in North European Culture
Kultur & språk
Seminarium på Jonsereds herrgård med anledning av Göteborg International Organ Festival.
Seminarium på Jonsereds herrgård med anledning av Göteborg International Organ Festival.
Pipe organs speak, but what do they say? What does life around pipe organs look like? What have they represented, how have they been used and what can they tell us today?
For centuries, the pipe organ has provided the soundtrack for much of European life. In Northern Europe, the 17th and 18th century saw the birth of a vibrant organ culture. By studying it, can we better understand the voice of the instrument in the culture of today?
Sverker Jullander Göteborg International Organ Academy
Hans Davidsson Royal Danish Academy of Music
Annette Richards Cornell University, US
Anna Steppler Cornell University, US,
Andrew McCrea Royal College of Music London, UK
Maria Schildt Department of Musicology at Uppsala University
Jonas Lundblad Department of Musicology at Uppsala University
Mattias Lundberg Department of Musicology at Uppsala University
Ruth Tatlow Department of Musicology at Uppsala University
Joel Speerstra Academy of Music and Drama at the University of Gothenburg
Eleanor Smith researcher Göteborg International Organ Academy