The School of Public Administration invites Ph.D. students and emerging scholars to a workshop on understanding the dos and don’ts of publishing in international journals. The workshop will address issues such as selecting appropriate journals, presenting papers to editors in cover letters, and writing effective rebuttals to reviewers.
We are happy to invite you to a two-day workshop on convincingly framing your study, responding to editors, and writing rebuttal letters during the review process.
This workshop is offered at no cost thanks to the generous funding from the Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) 75-year Anniversary grant and the School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg.
Active participation is an important part of this workshop. All participants are expected to give a brief presentation on a paper or text that they are currently working on or about to work on. The organizers will facilitate individual feedback on these proposals.
Monday 5th of May (day 1)
We concentrate on lectures and discussions about what it means to write and publish in international scientific journals. We will start with lectures on the role, execution, and formulation of a literature review. During this lecture, you will gain an understanding of the various forms of literature reviews.
We will also focus on reading and interpreting review reports and addressing the (in)famous ‘reviewer 2’. Using real examples, we will discuss and reflect on the importance of the ‘rebuttal’ and communication with the editor.
Friday 9th of May
Our second day focuses on presentations and discussions of participants’ proposals. All participants will have the chance to present a ‘pitch’ (introduction) of a study they are contemplating or working on. Participants and organizers will provide comments and suggestions for improvements aimed at strengthening the introductory sections of journal articles written by participants.
Registration and number of spaces
The workshop in Gothenburg aims to foster meaningful dialogue and is limited to 15 participants. Priority will be given to: (1) PhD students at the School of Public Administration, (2) PhD students at NFF-affiliated departments, and (3) PhD students and early career scholars outside of these groups categories.
Please send your letter of interest to the organizers below no later than April 25th, 2025.
Assistant Professor Sorin Dan, School of Management, University of Vaasa, E-mail:
Associate Professor Tom S. Karlsson, School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg, E-mail: