
Feminist film theory

7,5 högskolepoäng (hp)
Blandad undervisningstid
Part of semester
Fjärdedel 1

Om utbildningen

This course will give you a basic introduction to feminist film theory. You will learn about central films, concepts and issues that have been discussed in feminist film studies since the 1970s until the present. The course offers an overview of perspectives such as gaze theory, cinematic language, reception, and queer and postcolonial perspectives.

Furthermore, there will be an introduction to critical tools for discussing these issues in relation to specific cultural and social contexts. You will also get to theoretically assess the current broad discussion about representation, diversity and gender equality in the film industry in Sweden as well as internationally.

This course is open to

Exchange students at the Department of Cultural Sciences and exchange students on a university-wide agreement. Please contact your international coordinator at the University of Gothenburg if you need to know more.

English proficiency

English B1, here is a link to the European Common Language Self-Assessment Grid

This course can be combined with

Suggested courses to combine with Feminist theory for Bachelor's students

Scandinavian Film and Media Culture
7,5 credits

Cinema and Visual Culture in East Asia
7,5 credits

Cultural Perspectives on Gender and Families
7,5 credits

Exchange students who want to do a full semester of Film Studies, and are eligible for the Master's level, can combine this course with the following courses:

Archives and Moving Images: Converging Fields in Theory and Practice
7,5 credits

Twenty-First Century Television
15 credits


Do you want to apply for exchange studies at the University of Gothenburg?

Read more on the page Apply for exchange studies

Mer information

This course is tought fully online.