- PFAS in Swedish drinking waters - challenges and solutions
- Global Plastic Treaty negotiations Part 1 "The role of Science in negotiations of the Global Plastics Treaty"Global Plastic Treaty negotiations Part 2 "The European Union and its member states conceptual approach on provisions (2) (3) and (5) of the Plastic Treaty"
- PFAS som miljöskada enligt miljöbalken (MB 32 kap)
- Incentivizing safe and sustainable chemistry. Lessons learned from science, government, and industry
- AI in chemical risk management
- How much chemicals and plastics can the planet tolerate?
- Using eDNA to understand environmental effects of chemical pollutants in Chilean fresh water systems
- Using epidemiology data towards causal inference - a platform for risk assessment of chemicals
- Current ship fuels – a transfer of pollution from air to water?
- Controlling hazardous chemicals in Sweden – lessons for European chemical policy?
- Tax fairness and sustainability – a matter of legitimacy?
- Revising REACH to achieve a toxic free environment in Europe
- Mixture Assessment Factor: Improving the regulatory assessment of combination effects of chemicals
- How does gender affect chemical exposure?
- Estimating the emission and risk of chemical substances released by Swedish households
- How serious is water pollution from chemicals in Kenya and what can be done about it?
- The EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability - focus on mixtures
- Deterrence and Sanctioning in the REACH Authorisation System
- Time to Reflect on a Chemical-Safe World
- Challenges with chemicals in textiles
- Sicker - Fatter - Poorer
- Risk to all or none? On the toxicity of microplastics
- The effects of risk based pesticide taxation in Denmark
- Management of uncertainty and evidence in risk analysis
- EU research and policies on combined exposure to mixtures of chemicals
- No safe levels of exposure - The urgent need for global elimination of lead paint
- Pesticide use in Chile a risk to human health
- A losing strategy: the cost of neglected responsibilities in evaluating cumulative effects of environmental chemicals
- Socio-economic analysis of persistent chemicals for authorisation and restriction decisions under REACH: Where's the economics?
- How can taxation contribute to a non-toxic environment?
- Multiple stressors and chemical mixtures: A joint challenge?
- Microplastics - an environmental threat?
- Adaptive management of ecological risks based on a Bayesian network - relative risk model
- Baseline Risk and Marginal Willingness to Pay for Health Risk Reduction: Implications for regulation and policy.
- Chemicals in a Circular Economy - Will politics for climate mitigation and material recycling spur or constrain green chemistry?
I FRAM:s seminarieserie bjuder vi in talare från akademin, myndigheter eller andra organisationer, där vi bidrar med kunskap, inspiration och belyser det breda spektrumet av ämnen relaterade till kemisk riskbedömning och hantering. Serien riktar sig till forskarsamhället, studenter och statliga myndigheter. Seminarierna är även öppna för allmänheten. Alla är välkomna!
PFAS in Swedish drinking waters - challenges and solutions
(This was not recorded due to unpublished data.)
When: 10 October 2024
Who: Philipp Wanner, University of Gothenburg, Yiyi Xu, University of Gothenburg and Jenny Ivarsson from the Swedish Chemicals Agency
Global Plastic Treaty negotiations Part 1 "The role of Science in negotiations of the Global Plastics Treaty"
Global Plastic Treaty negotiations Part 2 "The European Union and its member states conceptual approach on provisions (2) (3) and (5) of the Plastic Treaty"
When: 17 September 2024
Who: Prof. Bethanie Carney Almroth (Part 1) and Sylvain Bintein, the European Commission (Part 2)
PFAS som miljöskada enligt miljöbalken (MB 32 kap)
When: 29 May 2024
Who: Björn Gullefors, Uppsala vatten and Philipp Wanner University of Gothenburg
Incentivizing safe and sustainable chemistry. Lessons learned from science, government, and industry
When: 16 June 2022
Who: Joel Tickner, Professor of Environmental Health at University of Massachusetts-Lowell
AI in chemical risk management
(This was not recorded due to unpublished data.)
When: 12 May 2022
Who: Erik Kristiansson, Professor in Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, Patrick Linden, Head of Unit, Swedish Chemicals Agency, Stellan Fischer, Environmental Chemist, Swedish Chemicals Agency
How much chemicals and plastics can the planet tolerate?
When: 18 March 2022
Who: Martin Hassellöv, Professor in Analytical Environmental Chemistry, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg. Bethanie Carney Almroth, Professor in Ecotoxicology, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg. Patricia Villarrubia-Gómez, PhD Candidate in Sustainability Science, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
Using eDNA to understand environmental effects of chemical pollutants in Chilean fresh water systems
When: 10 February 2022
Who: Dr Pedro Inostroza from the FRAM Centre for Future Chemical Risk Assessment and Management Strategies
Using epidemiology data towards causal inference - a platform for risk assessment of chemicals
When: 27 January 2022
Who: Carl-Gustaf Bornehag, Professor in Public Health Sciences at the Department of Health Sciences at Karlstad University, and also at the Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA.
Current ship fuels – a transfer of pollution from air to water?
When: 16 December 2021
Who: Professor Ingela Dahllöf is a marine ecotoxicologist with a background in biogeochemistry and microbiology. FRAM Centre, Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg PhD student Christina Jönander studies the effect of contaminant mixtures, mainly those related to shipping. FRAM Centre, Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg Professor Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Maritime Environmental Science at Chalmers University of Technology
Controlling hazardous chemicals in Sweden – lessons for European chemical policy?
When: 11 November 2021
Who: Mats Engström is affiliated with the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (Sieps) and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP).
Tax fairness and sustainability – a matter of legitimacy?
When: 28 October 2021
Who: Pernilla Rendahl who is a professor in tax law at the law department, School of Business, Economics and Law at Gothenburg University.
Revising REACH to achieve a toxic free environment in Europe
When: 26 August 2021
Who: Amie Svärd, economist at the European Commission, DG Grow
Mixture Assessment Factor: Improving the regulatory assessment of combination effects of chemicals
When: 1 July 2021
Who: Professor Thomas Backhaus, Director of the FRAM Centre
How does gender affect chemical exposure?
When: 23 March 2021
- Sara Brosché, Ph.D. in Environmental Science, IPEN Science Advisor. Lead author of the IPEN/SAICM report.
- Norah MacKendrick, Associate Professor of Sociology, Rutgers University, USA.
- Dayna Nadine Scott, Associate Professor & York Research Chair in Environmental Law & Justice in the Green Economy, York University, UK. Co-Director of Osgoode Hall Law School´s Environmental Justice and Sustainability Clinic.
Estimating the emission and risk of chemical substances released by Swedish households
When: 25 February 2021
Who: FRAM researcher Mikael Gustavsson, mathematical scientist at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg
How serious is water pollution from chemicals in Kenya and what can be done about it?
When: 21 January 2021
Who: Dr. Faith Kandie from the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research-UFZ Leipzig
Prof. James M. Mbaria from the University of Nairobi
Dr. Collins Odote from the University of Nairobi
The EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability - focus on mixtures
When: 3 December 2020
- Urban Boije af Gennäs, Swedish Chemicals Agency, recently Seconded National Expert at the European Commission
- Kristina Neimert Carne, Head of Chemicals Policy, IKEM – Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden
- Dr. Anna Lennquist, Toxicology and substitution, CHEMSEC
- Professor Thomas Backhaus, Risk management of chemical mixtures, FRAM Centre Director
Deterrence and Sanctioning in the REACH Authorisation System
Who: Christoph M. Rheinberger from the European Chemical Agency
When and where: 5 March 2020 at the University of Gothenburg
Time to Reflect on a Chemical-Safe World
Who: Åke Bergman, Professor in Environmental Chemicstry, Örebro University, Tongji University (Shanghai)
When and where: 30 January 2020 at the University of Gothenburg
Challenges with chemicals in textiles
Who: Stefan Posner, polymer and textile chemistry consultant.
When and where: 10 October at the Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development.
Sicker - Fatter - Poorer
Who: Prof Leonardo Trasande, from the Department of Pediatrics at NYU School of Medicine.
When and where: 11 September at the University of Gothenburg.
Find the next FRAM Seminar
We publish all upcoming FRAM Seminars in our Event Calendar.
Risk to all or none? On the toxicity of microplastics
Who: Martin Wagner, Ph.D., from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
When and where: 16 April at Zoologen, University of Gothenburg.
The effects of risk based pesticide taxation in Denmark
Who: Anders Branth Pedersen, Ph.D., Aarhus University
When and where: 4 March at the School of Business, Economics and Law; University of Gothenburg
Management of uncertainty and evidence in risk analysis
Who: Ullrika Sahlin, Ph.D., Lund University
When and where: February 7, Botan Building, University of Gothenburg
EU research and policies on combined exposure to mixtures of chemicals
Who: Xenia Trier, Ph.D., European Environment Agency
When and where: December 13, Botan Building, University of Gothenburg
No safe levels of exposure - The urgent need for global elimination of lead paint
Who: Dr Sara Brosché, IPEN´s Global Campaign to Eliminate Lead Paint
When and where: November 29, Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development, GMV
Pesticide use in Chile a risk to human health
Who: Dr Sebastian Elgueta, a Researcher and Head of Laboratory of Pesticide Residue and Environment at National Institute of Agriculture of Chile, INIA
When and where: June 12, Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development, GMV
A losing strategy: the cost of neglected responsibilities in evaluating cumulative effects of environmental chemicals
Who: Dr. Maricel V. Maffini is an Independent Consultant based in Maryland, US.
When and where: May 23rd, Botanhuset, University of Gothenburg
Socio-economic analysis of persistent chemicals for authorisation and restriction decisions under REACH: Where's the economics?
Who: Silke Gabbert, Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at Wageningen University and Research.
When and where: April 23, 2018, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg
How can taxation contribute to a non-toxic environment?
Who: Mattias Carlsson Feng (from the Swedish Chemicals Agency, KEMI), presented an overview of the current legislative proposal on tax on cadmium and plant protection products, and how it may contribute to a non-toxic environment.
When and where: March 20, 2018, School of Business, Economics and Law
Multiple stressors and chemical mixtures: A joint challenge?
Who: Professor Ralf B Schäfer, working group leader in Quantitative Landscape Ecology, Professor at the University Koblenz-Landau since 2010 in the Institute for Environmental Sciences.
When and where: January 31, 2018, University of Gothenburg
Microplastics - an environmental threat?
Who: Bethanie Carney Almroth, a member of the Fish Ecotoxicology group at the department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
When and where: December 7, 2017. Centre for Environment and Sustainability, GMV
Adaptive management of ecological risks based on a Bayesian network - relative risk model
Who: Dr. Wayne Landis, Western Washington University
When and Where: April 3, 10.00-11.00, Chalmers University of Technology
Baseline Risk and Marginal Willingness to Pay for Health Risk Reduction: Implications for regulation and policy.
Who: Dr. W.L. (Vic) Adamowicz – University of Alberta, Canada
When and Where: 16th March 11.00 AM - 12.00 AM School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg
Chemicals in a Circular Economy - Will politics for climate mitigation and material recycling spur or constrain green chemistry?
Per Rosander, BSc in Chemistry, former director of ChemSec.
Date 24 of February, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Centre for Environment and Sustainability, GMV
Daniel Slunge
Outreach and Policy Coordinator
+46 31 786 92 05
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