Avhandlingar 2020
Avhandlingar som presenterats på Handelshögskolan under 2020.
Patrik Emblad, finansrätt
"Det civilrättsliga i svensk inkomstskatterätt"
Samson Mukanjari, nationalekonomi
”Climate Policy and Financial Markets”
Erik Lidman, civilrätt
”Kontrollägande och uppköpsreglering - Likabehandling vid offentliga uppköpserbjudanden och effekterna i bolagsstyrningen”
Saki Bailey, civilrätt
“The Common Good in Common Goods - The Decommodification of Fundamental Resources through Law”
Seyed Mahmoud Hosseinniakani, företagsekonomi
“Audit regulation and auditor disclosures: Essays on the consequences of ISA 701”
Simon Schürz, nationalekonomi
“Economic and Intergenerational Decision-Making in Families”
Zeeshan Raza, företagsekonomi
“The Sustainability and Competitiveness of European Short-Sea Shipping”
Daniel Tyskbo, företagsekonomi
“A Hybrid Operating Room in the Making - Coordinating the lntroduction and Use of New Technology”
Debbie Lau, nationalekonomi
“Empirical Essays on Education and Health Policy Evaluation”
Hoang-Anh Ho, nationalekonomi
“Essays on Culture, Institutions, and Economic Development”
Melissa Rubio Ramos, nationalekonomi
“The Economics of Coercive Institutions, Conflict, and Development”
Irina Balog, företagsekonomi
"Skinny white bitches: Female sexual agency in contemporary advertising"
Tobias Pehrsson, företagsekonomi
"Why are firms conducting entrepreneurial actions?"
Laurence Wainwright, företagsekonomi
"Contested legitimacy: The shrimp sustainability case in Sweden"