Göteborgs universitet
Two students walking in a library
Foto: Natalie Greppi

Student buddies

Student buddies are students who work on a voluntary basis to welcome international students to the university. They organize many social activities especially at the start of the semester, but also throughout the year.

Students at the School of Business, Economics and Law

There are two student associations that have buddy programmes for international students at the School of Business, Economics and Law. IntU for exchange students and HHGS for master and exchange students. 

Students at the Sahlgrenska Academy

INTET is the International committee for students studying at Sahlgrenska Academy. They have a student buddy programme for all students studying medicine, dentistry, healthcare and health sciences. 

For all other international students

International students, who study at the Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Fine, Applied and performing Arts, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social Sciences or the IT Faculty can get a study buddy from GIC, Göta International Committee. Apply for a buddy via the form. You can also check the GIC website and Facebook group for updates about the Student Buddies, or contact GIC directly.